18 upcycling solutions with tin cans that will unleash all the creativity that is in you!

A tin can (aka aluminum can) like those commonly used to contain food or other products has a decomposition time of about 200 years and this is certainly a good reason not to throw away even one!
Let's add the fact that there is no end to the possibilities of upcycling for these commonly used objects and we can already see your home filled with do-it-yourself creations that the whole family will appreciate.
With these suggestions, in fact, you can upcycle tin cans for the most diverse applications, making them useful in the kitchen as well as in a child's room.
1. Here originally there was cat food ...

But once cleaned, filled with cotton and well covered with decorative paper ...

Here from an empty can of cat food --- you get an original pincushion!

2. Select cans of different sizes adapted to the use you will make of them and just see what a nice result for your creative work area!

3. Do you often use ribbons and thread? By making holes in a tin can, you can arrange them in a more orderly manner ...

and manage them with this trick!

4. Collect tin cans of different sizes, attach them to a base and then paint them the same color ...

and it becomes a beautiful and useful multi-storage unit!

5. In this case, upcycle coffee cans into decorative containers for the kitchen!

Here is an idea to inspire you!

6. Tin cans can also be left in their original appearance.

7. Here is a similar solution, but hanging cans (with hooks), also allows you to move them around as you wish.

8. Let's not forget about the applications for tin cans in the garden!

9. In general, these containers are perfect for tidying up and storing the multitude of objects we accumulate ...

10. Here we find tin cans covered with paper and arranged in a pyramid.

11. Tin cans covered with decorative paper and equipped with double-sided adhesive tape can be transformed into practical brush-holders to be mounted in the bathroom.


12. And if the tin cans are larger in size ...

Think of some object that would fit well inside the cans, look at the colors and style of the room where you are going to place them ...

And admire the beautiful work you have done with minimum effort!

13. Decorations with fabrics and lace could not be missing!

Here is an ideal solution for wooden colored pencils!

14. And look at this upcycling result using a Christmas holiday tin!

A really nice job ...

15. Use six tin cans to arrange cutlery in an original way.

And create a fashionable tin can cutlery holder!

16. Postcards, bills, receipts ... Tin cans will help you keep all these items in order!

17. Bring a touch of color to your home by using tin cans as vases for compositions of artificial flowers.

18. Collect identical tin cans to create a holder storage unit for coloring tools that the little ones will enjoy using!

Such as in this solution for crayons!
