27 design fails that are unexplainable unless you attribute them to the madness of those who made them!

by Shirley Marie Bradby

March 27, 2018

27 design fails that are unexplainable unless you attribute them to the madness of those who made them!

Do you know what you mean when it comes to burnout? It is an expression that indicates, in the workplace, a moment of exasperation, of excessive stress that affects the private life and/or health of those who are in this condition.

In these cases, we must necessarily take a break from work commitments, or at least rearrange our ideas to ensure that we do not reach our limit of human endurance. 

Probably the people who created these design and implementation mistakes were going through a burnout period, during which they completely lost sight of what they were doing!

A puppet of this size could crush a child!

A puppet of this size could crush a child!

MihaFox24 / pikabu


A criminal named Firstname Lastname? ... Something is not quite right, here!

A criminal named Firstname Lastname? ... Something is not quite right, here!

DorkMasterFresh / reddit

Some passage must have been missed ...

Some passage must have been missed ...

JellyBelly91 / reddit

A stuffed animal toy with its head on backward!

A stuffed animal toy with its head on backward!

Killmovezz / reddit

Road signs are important ... that's why they need to be mounted correctly on the side of the road!

Road signs are important ... that's why they need to be mounted correctly on the side of the road!

timfromga / reddit


When you adjust something "on the fly"

When you adjust something "on the fly"

ZafiPuffy / reddit

The back of this spoon reveals something is not quite right ...

The back of this spoon reveals something is not quite right ...

jjones5199 / reddit


Poor child!

Poor child!

youhadonejob1 / twitter

A pumpkin ... with minimal carving!

A pumpkin ... with minimal carving!

OrangeJuicestice / reddit


Why not plant the trees in the specified areas!?

Why not plant the trees in the specified areas!?

adisa61 / reddit

Reserved parking space --- Yes, but for who?

Reserved parking space --- Yes, but for who?

cookiemonsterlife / reddit


"See the expiration date printed ... On the hamburger bun!"

"See the expiration date printed ... On the hamburger bun!"

OnlyGoodInPractice / reddit

Now this bathroom will have the proper air exchange ventilation

Now this bathroom will have the proper air exchange ventilation

eddygoombah / reddit


Yes, of course, these are onions ...

Yes, of course, these are onions ...


Do not stack, do not stack, do not stack, do not stack ...

Do not stack, do not stack, do not stack, do not stack ...

KevenM / reddit


Oh, how thoughtful! There is a ramp for the disabled ...

Oh, how thoughtful! There is a ramp for the disabled ...

_youhadonejob1 / twitter

Now is the power of advertising clear to you?

Now is the power of advertising clear to you?

_youhadonejob1 / twitter

"My !?"

"My <dog>!?"

mitus-2 / reddit

Here's what happens when you get back to work right after lunch ...

Here's what happens when you get back to work right after lunch ...

BonzOnImgur / imgur

This plumber should be fired ...

This plumber should be fired ...

Social_Hazard / reddit

Could "horrible" be the right adjective?

Could "horrible" be the right adjective?


A restaurant with the most appropriate name.

A restaurant with the most appropriate name.

babygaterrr / reddit

Room with a view ... On the bathroom!

Room with a view ... On the bathroom!

HAZMA7 / reddit

ATM withdrawal? --- practically impossible.

ATM withdrawal? --- practically impossible.

silence_hr / reddit

No, not really the best choice for a design motif for a bathroom ...

No, not really the best choice for a design motif for a bathroom ...


The perfect tape measure to take approximate measurements.

The perfect tape measure to take approximate measurements.

Violetprincess666 / reddit

A perfectly positioned garage ...

A perfectly positioned garage ...

liquidthc / reddit
