The opening of the tomb of Tutankhamon! Now see those moments in COLOR!

by Shirley Marie Bradby

November 24, 2017

The opening of the tomb of Tutankhamon! Now see those moments in COLOR!

Egyptian pharaoh Tutankhamun acceded to the throne and assumed his divine role when he was just 9 years of age and died nine years later when he was 18 years old.

The discovery of his tomb has gone down in history because it is one of the few burials of ancient Egypt that has arrived intact and untouched to us, thanks to the discovery of the archaeologist Howard Carter in 1922.

At the time, on hand to document everything was photographer Harry Burton, and now, for the first time, it is possible to revisit those moments in color thanks to a digital painting process (photo colorization) invented by the English company Dynamichrome.


The funeral mask of Tutankhamen

The funeral mask of Tutankhamen

University of Oxford


Howard Carter, Lord Carnarvon, and an Egyptian worker as they open the sanctuary.

Howard Carter, Lord Carnarvon, and an Egyptian worker as they open the sanctuary.

University of Oxford

The carved ceremonial bed, which was in the tomb, is in the form of the goddess Hathor and is surrounded by valuable objects.

The carved ceremonial bed, which was in the tomb, is in the form of the goddess Hathor and is surrounded by valuable objects.

University of Oxford

A partial view of the antechamber shows a bed with gold lions, chests, two sentries, colored wood, and gold.

A partial view of the antechamber shows a bed with gold lions, chests, two sentries, colored wood, and gold.

University of Oxford

Boat models from that epoch

Boat models from that epoch

University of Oxford


Two ceremonial beds and other objects that belonged to Tutankhamun when he was still alive.

Two ceremonial beds and other objects that belonged to Tutankhamun when he was still alive.

University of Oxford

Chests and chairs made of ebony and ivory

Chests and chairs made of ebony and ivory

University of Oxford


A bust of the goddess Hathor, a golden chest, and canopic jars containing the internal organs of the pharaoh.

A bust of the goddess Hathor, a golden chest, and canopic jars containing the internal organs of the pharaoh.

University of Oxford

The same containers as seen from another photographic perspective.

The same containers as seen from another photographic perspective.

University of Oxford


Carved alabaster jars

Carved alabaster jars

University of Oxford

An ad hoc laboratory set up in the tomb of Seti II, where Arthur Mace and Alfred Lucas cleaned the statues.

An ad hoc laboratory set up in the tomb of Seti II, where Arthur Mace and Alfred Lucas cleaned the statues.

University of Oxford


Howard Carter, Arthur Callender, and an Egyptian worker prepare one of the statues to be transported.

Howard Carter, Arthur Callender, and an Egyptian worker prepare one of the statues to be transported.

University of Oxford

Arthur Mace and Alfred Lucas work on a golden chariot near the tomb of Seti II.

Arthur Mace and Alfred Lucas work on a golden chariot near the tomb of Seti II.

University of Oxford


The God Anubis depicted as jackal in the treasure room in the tomb.

The God Anubis depicted as jackal in the treasure room in the tomb.

University of Oxford

Carter, Callende, and two Egyptian workers remove the wall between the anteroom and the burial chamber.

Carter, Callende, and two Egyptian workers remove the wall between the anteroom and the burial chamber.

University of Oxford


In the first external sanctuary, a huge linen cloth with bronze rosettes was found

In the first external sanctuary, a huge linen cloth with bronze rosettes was found

University of Oxford

Carter, Mace, and an Egyptian worker as they carefully wrap the linen cloth that covered the second sanctuary.

Carter, Mace, and an Egyptian worker as they carefully wrap the linen cloth that covered the second sanctuary.

University of Oxford

Carter, Callender and two Egyptian workers dismantle one of the golden shrines in the burial chamber.

Carter, Callender and two Egyptian workers dismantle one of the golden shrines in the burial chamber.

University of Oxford

Howard Carter in front of the sarcophagus and ready to start analyzing it.

Howard Carter in front of the sarcophagus and ready to start analyzing it.

University of Oxford

Carter and a worker examine the inner coffin which was made of pure gold.

Carter and a worker examine the inner coffin which was made of pure gold.

University of Oxford

And ... here is Lord Carnarvon, who completely financed the excavation (without him we probably would not have these sensational photos).

And ... here is Lord Carnarvon, who completely financed the excavation (without him we probably would not have these sensational photos).

University of Oxford
