A policeman gets down on the ground to play with dolls with some girls: they were afraid of him

Can a policeman's duties also include playing with dolls with children? Yes, according to Officer Fleming of the Mecklenburg Manor Department in Virginia. Here the policeman was photographed by a mother while he was playing on the ground with her daughter with her dolls on Valentine's Day.
The policeman had been called along with his patrol for a dangerous gas leak that appeared to have occurred in a building and had forced all the families in the area out of their quarters. When Fleming saw that the children were afraid of him, he realized that it was important to do something unexpected.
via CBS 6

"Bringing a ray of light into people's lives is just as important as protecting their safety." Fleming said. This policeman is convinced that his job is not only to suppress crime, but also to improve people's quality of life.
“When I saw the terror in that little girl's eyes, I realized that I had to do something to change the situation,” Fleming said.

Thus, the officer - once he found that the dangerous situation was over - started to play with the little girl, who had been scared by the uniforms. Being particularly tall and imposing, he stretched out on the sidewalk so as not to frighten her. Then, sitting with her on the grass in the garden, he passed the time playing with her dolls.

When the little girl's mom, 28-year-old Iesha Roper-Boswell, saw the scene she couldn't believe her eyes.
After photographing the scene, she called her grandchildren and other children in the neighborhood who had also fled because they were terrified by the police. Fleming showed all his patience and spent more time coloring in their notebooks with them.

"This man showed the little ones that you don't need to be scared when you meet a man in uniform," Iesha explained. "And it was nice for all of us to know that we are dealing with a kind person who is far from violence. The result is that today, many people in the neighborhood no longer just call the police number, they call Corporal Fleming. In this way they are sure that they will be heard by a human and understanding person."

We are sure that Fleming's superiors will turn a blind eye to their corporal's use of time, also given the success that the photos have had on social media.
"When I chose this job," said the policeman, "I took it knowing that it was not just about giving fines or using force to impose the law. I chose it to live in a more just and harmonious society."

Well done agent Fleming!