Visual acuity test: what do you see in this photo? All is not what it seems

Illusions deceive the eye and - in a certain sense - the mind as well. In fact, this is their entire purpose, but who or what actually benefits from viewing these "visual tricks?"
Illusions are "engineered" to make us see one thing rather than another (at least, for a moment or two). Optical illusions are used for entertainment and games, but they also serve a real-world purpose. Have you guessed what we are referring to yet?
via Youtube
Visual test

Let's talk about the incredible solutions nature has devised! It's amazing how this property has developed in some creatures!
Mimicry, for example, is a very effective visual illusion protection system in nature and many creatures us this property to escape predators. A good example of this are chameleons who are able to adapt to surroundings and change their colors to blend in.
But chameleons are not the only ones who use this technique: most of you will have seen a leaf in the image above, right? But do you see anything else?
Reality revealed
In fact, this was not a leaf at all, but the butterfly Kallima Inachus! This is a very unique insect, also known as "the chameleon butterfly", which lives in Asia, India, Indonesia and Malaysia.
This butterfly has a length of about 7 cm and its wings are usually open when it is in resting position. And it's the leaves that disguise the insect: the wings are dark green, with veins and white spots that imitate/mimic the veins of real leaves in.
Thanks to this camouflage, this butterfly is able to escape its predators - and it's a good thing too: this very rare butterfly that reproduces only twice a year. By looking at the photo, were you able to see this wonder of nature?