Cardboard boxes piled up in the garage, attic or cellar: this can pose a risk

by Mark Bennett

September 22, 2023

Cardboard boxes piled up in the garage, attic or cellar: this can pose a risk

Today's consumeristic society is the main cause of the accumulation of goods in our homes: we, the consumer, can always come up with "good reasons" to keep buying products.

But not everyone has a home large and spacious enough to keep all the goodie they buy: many people have to resort to the use of boxes, garages and cellars to store their possessions. Eventually, this leads to piles of cardboard boxes building up in storage areas and this, in turn, can be risky.

A bad habit to shake off

A bad habit to shake off

DCStudio/ Freepik

"Why throw it away? After all, it still works...", "It has sentimental value and I don't want to part with it: I'll keep it in the cellar together with all the other stuff". Are these mantras familiar to you? Well, many people happen to think like this, resulting in their homes being crammed with boxes.

Unfortunately, this is an unhealthy habit: keeping something is not wrong in itself, of course, but often the places where we store things tend to be dark and/or damp.

Clothes, old appliances, books and out-of-date magazines sit in the dark and damp and become moldy over time - and this poses a health risk.


The consequences of storing boxes

The consequences of storing boxes


The dank, moldy "atmosphere" of a storage area crammed with boxes is not just a risk to our health directly, but is the perfect home for unwanted "guests"!

Cockroaches, parasites, termites, rats and mice love places like this to nest in and breed. So, if you want to avoid this happening, what should you do?

First of all, it is advisable to clean out the cellar/garage/attic often, and we also propose the following: say goodbye to cardboard boxes (which pests love) and transfer your items into plastic boxes! This will help keep most of these creatures away. Furthermore, by doing so, it could be the perfect opportunity to do some useful throwing out/recycling.
