Man gets up at 5.30am in the morning to "grab" the best beach beds

by Mark Bennett

July 04, 2023

Man gets up at 5.30am in the morning to "grab" the best beach beds

It's not often considered that there is a "dark side" to going on vacation. Of course, there will always be a bit of stress around arranging for the vacation itself - booking tickets, packing, etc.

Recognizing this reality, some people take steps and precautions to reduce these "logistical stressers" whilst on holiday as much as possible. But are any of these precautions illegal and/or ethical? Read on to find out more:

via Nytimas

Out n about

Pubblicato da Kenny Neilson su Sabato 23 luglio 2022

One of the problems one might face on vacation is "the need to reserve" seats. But we're not referring to anything that can actually be booked online (like for flights) well in advance...

Sunbeds, loungers and deck chairs are vital for many people when it comes to getting a tan or simply being comfortable at the seaside while on vacation. So, for those who do not take their own seating equipment, there are basically two options: be satisfied with whatever free seats they can find or; get up early to grab a decent spot.

There's nothing strange about all this, right? There are no formal or legal rules that dictate how one should behave in such situations. The subject in this story has found an unorthodox way of securing the best "seats" at the beach daily - keep reading...

Pixabay - Not the actual photo

Pixabay - Not the actual photo

Kenny Neilson devised a simple, but effective, plan: he got up at 5.30am in the morning to grab the best beach seating spots! "I thought to myself, get there at dawn, man. I got the four best spots on the whole beach," the man said in a video he later posted online.

The video was subtitled: "the war of the sunbeds". The video angered many poeple: "This is just sad"; "Brilliant: how nice to get up early while on vacation - exactly as if you still had to go to work", were some of the comments.

But Kenny was not in the least "fazed" by these stinging comments and said: "These people are just jealous that I have the drive to get up and get the best spots". What do you think about Kenny's vacation behavior?
