Man bursts into tears when he finds out who saved his life

by Mark Bennett

July 12, 2023

Man bursts into tears when he finds out who saved his life

Wanting to do something for the people we care about - especially when they are in need - is a natural instinct we all have. We know how much parents do for their children, for example, and we always hope that this will be reciprocated, if and when needed.

That children love their parents goes without saying, but what would they be prepared to give up for them? The young woman at the center of this story has shown how far a child will go to help their parents. Here is her story:

via Daily Mail



Delayne Ivanowski is a young woman from Kirkwood, Missouri, United States and who the entire web with a wonderful sacrifice she made for her father. Delayne's father, John, discovered he was suffering from immunoglobulin deficiency, a disease that causes kidney failure. Because of this, John was forced to spend several hours a day on dialysis, waiting for a transplant.

Delayne, wanting to help her father out, made a proposal to her father. She would have herself checked to see if she could be his donor - but John refused to entertain the idea.

"He had to undergo dialysis every two days. His life was miserable, but he did not want to listen to reason. He was convinced that I was too young to be his donor and that I shouldn't risk an operation. He told me that I had a long time to live still and I needed to be whole. He said that his time was almost up and that he could not allow me to be his donor," Delayne explained.


Brian King

Pubblicato da Delayne Ivanowski su Sabato 4 gennaio 2020

So, Delayne - who worked as a nurse - decided to act in secret. She contacted her boss in the hospital, did the donor compatibility checks and, once a match was confirmed, she gave her OK to proceed. Eight months later, John was told that the kidney he so badly needed had arrived.

John underwent the surgery and got his second chance at life. Only after the operation did Delayne reveal her secret. Delayne entered her father's hospital room in a hospital gown and that's where he figured it out. Bursting into tears, he had no words to thank his little girl for what she had done. The tender moment was immortalized in a video that went viral on the web.

Messages of support from users flooded in for this father and daughter team. Delayne published the story on social media channels asked all her followers to donate a single dollar each to help with the medical expenses. Now, the two have a permanent GoFundMe page set up.

This is a story that proves that love can truly conquer all.
