Pet dog attacks a 3-year-old girl and injures her: the mother blames the little girl

by Mark Bennett

May 26, 2023

Pet dog attacks a 3-year-old girl and injures her: the mother blames the little girl

Many families choose to keep a pet - a dog or cat usually - that will keep everyone company and entertained. When you opt for this, however, you need to be certain of what you are doing and aware that it is a big commitment to make. All pets - especially dogs - need to be trained to coexist with humans peacefully.

If this is not the case, unpleasant, unfortunate incidents can occur. What happened in the story we are about to tell you about, left many people speechless.

via El popular

Pxhere - Not the actual photo

Pxhere - Not the actual photo

This story took place in Los Angeles, California, United States, where a woman described what had happened at her home. Klara Tsetkin is the mother of a 3-year-old girl, Milana, who was seriously injured by their dog. That's right: the cocker spaniel, named Bart, turned on the child and requiring she be taken to the emergency room.

Milana was injured under one of her eyes. Including getting a huge fright, the poor child also needed a few stitches. Despite this, Milana's mother decided not to give the dog away. In fact, the woman stated that the dog's attack was "a legitimate defense" against the little girl who was annoying him.

In short, Milana's mother sided with the dog. Bart apparently wasn't well on the day of the attack and just wanted to be left alone. However, the girl did not understand this and tried to play with him, even when Bart was hiding under a bed. "It was an act of self-defense. Milana didn't understand that she had to leave Bart alone. And when she sat on top of him, Bart reacted," Milana's mother said.

Pixabay - Not the actual photo

Pixabay - Not the actual photo

Milana was quickly discharged from emergency and returned home with her patched-up injuries. But her mother decided that the cocker would stay and declared she would never, ever think about giving him away. This decision was the main reason Milana's mother and father later got divorced. But Milana's mother is unmoved: Bart stays in the family and that's that.

Once this story reached social networks, a heated debate broke out. Many users said they were stunned by the mother's decision to keep the dog - who could now be dangerous. Some called her a bad mother and argued that a court should have taken Milana away from her. Others, however, defended the woman, saying she did the right thing.

To what extent can our four-legged friends be integrated into a family? We know how much love animals are able to give us and how wonderful they are. But if they become dangerous, especially towards children, is right to keep them? How would you have reacted if this had happened in your home?
