Young man suffers from "werewolf syndrome" and his face is completely covered in hair

by Mark Bennett

May 18, 2023

Young man suffers from "werewolf syndrome" and his face is completely covered in hair

Wanting to look good, to be thought of as attractive, is the dream of most. Being at peace with your body and with yourself is the best way to live serenely in the world. Unfortunately, however, nature can intervene to make this difficult.

This is the case of the young man at the center of this story. He has had to deal with a very rare physical condition that has affected his entire life. Read on to find out about his story:

via Daily Mail

Lalit Patidar is a young man who lives in Nandleta village, Madhya Pradesh, India and has become famous due to his looks. The photos he publishes on his social media accounts speak for themselves: his entire body is covered in hair, including his face. And looking like this, has caused Lalit some issues.

Suffering from a very rare medical condition known as hypertrichosis, aka "werewolf syndrome", Lalit has had to deal with excessive hair growth all over his body since he was a child. From the moment he was born - as told by his mother Parvatibai - Lalit has been covered in hair. "I saw him half an hour after giving birth and he had hair everywhere," Lalit's mother said.

Lalit's father, Bankatlal, added to the story: "When he was born and the nurses saw him, they were very surprised. They called the doctor who had taken care of the birth, but he said that everything was normal."


Hypertrichosis is a feature that affects one in 340,000 people in the world, which means that in the whole world, there are only 50 individuals on the planet who have it at any one time. This condition makes these individuals truly unique, but it can also cause many social problems.

And in fact, the difficulties Lalit has had have not been easy. Children were afraid of him and all looked at him with suspicion and disgust.

"At school they called me monkey man and they threw stones at me. It hurt me a lot - both mentally and physically - and I had great difficulty finding my place in the world and making friends. Of course, it is not easy to manage all this hair: it bothers me when I eat, sometimes I can't see well and from time to time, I struggle to breathe. But I don't want to complain too much," Lalit said.

It took Lalit a long time before he could accept himself for how he is, but he is much happier. He dreams of becoming a policeman and, in the meantime, enjoys being a vlogger. 

Have you ever heard of this so-called werewolf syndrome?
