Young woman leaves her phone number on a napkin for her crush, but contacting her proves to be challenging

Meeting new people is always nice and this is even more true when you are looking for a romantic relationship. Nowadays, it is not at all difficult to get in touch with single people and possibly start a relationship: technology has spawned a plethora of online dating sites. But it hasn't always been "this easy".
Just a few decades ago, people interacted with each other differently and were "forced" to use a much more direct type of approach to get to know each other. The subject of this story wanted to use an "old-fashioned method" to signal her interest in a young man and she did this using a "very personal" touch.
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In the past, before the internet, teens had to use creative methods to signal their romantic interest in someone.
One "method" consisted in sending a hand-written note to the person one was interested in. Basically, this was the physical version of the electronic messages we send these days.
The young woman in this story left her crush her mobile phone number written on a napkin. But she didn't want to make his life "too easy" - let's find out how and why:
The telephone number the woman wrote down was missing two numbers and so her "target" was unable to call her immediately. All the man had was the incomplete number and a name: Sara. Sara had also written in the note the following: "Believe me, I'm worth it..."
Curious, the young man started dialing the number, trying out numerous combinations to find the missing digits.
This story quickly went viral on the web and many users recounted similar stories. We don't know how this story ended, but we hope that everything "went to plan" for the young woman. What do you think about this story?