This group have been friends for 20 years and want to grow old together: they build a village of their own

by Mark Bennett

May 14, 2023

This group have been friends for 20 years and want to grow old together: they build a village of their own

Friendships that arise in childhood and adolescence are often the strongest and can withstand the passage of time: for those who are able to maintain these relationships, they can last a lifetime, overcoming all challenges to them.

It's not easy to keep a bond alive when life pushes us apart, but when friendship is sincere, we are willing to do anything possible to keep it going. A great example of this is a group of friends who have known each other for 30 years and have decided to grow old together.

via Buzzfeed

Facebook - Llano Exit Strategy

Facebook - Llano Exit Strategy

The idea of retiring together was very important for four pairs of friends from Texas - USA - who have known each other for more than 30 years. To achieve this goal, they decided to buy a piece of land near the Llano River, just outside of Austin and build a large house for them all to live together after their retirement. However, after discovering the Tiny House Movement, they realized there was a better solution for them.

To start their project, the group enlisted the help of architect Matt Garcia. Together, they decided to build houses of 120 m2 for each couple and a large common area, called "The Llano Exit Strategy". This common space includes a kitchen, dining room, and other guest rooms. This way, the friends will have their privacy, but at the same time, they can spend time together in a comfortable environment.


Built with great care for sustainability and harmonized with the surrounding environment, the houses have been specially designed to withstand the dry and harsh climate of the area. The galvanized metal cladding reflects the sun's rays, while the roofs were designed to capture rainwater, which is then stored in a common tank.

The interiors are decorated with a mix of rustic and industrial design style, with a touch of modernity that integrates perfectly with the hospitable warmth of the wooden interiors. This place is really ideal for those looking for a comfortable home to live in, and in a small, friendly "village" populated only by best friends.

What do you think of this project? Would you like to live in a spot with only of your best friends as neighbors?
