Woman's twins are delivered by cesarean section: "My husband says I didn't really give birth"

Childbirth is one of the most intense and extraordinary moments in a woman's life: there is nothing comparable to the deep emotions you feel when you hold your baby in your arms for the first time. However, it is not always "the best day of a woman's life" - not because it is not special, but because it is a physically and emotionally taxing experience. It is often painful and sometimes doctors have to operate ensure the safety of mother and child. Whether it's natural or via cesarean section (C-section), the moment of delivery is very emotional - but not everyone thinks like this.
via Reddit

"My husband our nanny (who lives with us) and I were talking the other night and I made a joke about childbirth. I had been in hospital for 33 days and had an emergency C-section - in the middle of the night - giving birth to our twins. Then, the twins were in intensive care for 38 days. It was, and still is, a very intense experience. But my husband doesn't think so and he said , 'Well, you didn't really give birth anyway, did you?'" the woman stated.
After hearing this comment, the woman glared at her husband in icy silence and the nanny quickly took her leave. "Later, when I calmed down, I told him how offensive his comment was and that he must never say that to me again, especially not in front of other women. This just shows how completely ignorant he is," she continued.

Users harshly criticized the woman's husband and many women expressed solidarity with the mother: "My caesarean was many times more difficult than my 2 natural births," commented one user. "I had a natural birth, but mothers who have had a caesarean have my full respect," added another young woman.
"Of course you gave birth to your babies. What an absurd thing to say! They didn't come out of thin air or were delivered by the stork," wrote one man.
How would you have reacted to such a comment?