Man's future wife doesn't want her stepdaughter at their wedding: "Should I still marry her?"

by Mark Bennett

July 16, 2023

Man's future wife doesn't want her stepdaughter at their wedding: "Should I still marry her?"

Our family is important in the life of each of us and, at key moments, we like to have them by our side. The love and support of parents, grandparents and offspring is something all of us crave and cherish.

If, for example, you get married - and whether it's your first or not - being surrounded by relatives and friends you care about at the ceremony is important. The subject of this story knows this very well, and had a bitter argument about it with his future bride. Let's see what happened:

via Reddit

Pixnio - Not the actual photo

Pixnio - Not the actual photo

The story was by the man to Reddit: "I am 45 years old and have an 11-year-old daughter from my first marriage. I divorced my wife, but I am on excellent terms with her and we care for our child in the best possible way. Some time after the divorce, I met my current partner and I asked her to marry me. She accepted and enthusiastically began planning the ceremony".

But soon a huge problem arose concerning his future wife and his daughter. "My fiancée started planning everything, she chose her friends as bridesmaids and said that her niece would be in charge of scattering the flowers during the ceremony. I expected my daughter would play a role too, but I was mistaken," the man recounted.

Pexels - Not the actual photo

Pexels - Not the actual photo

The woman said she didn't even want her stepdaughter at the ceremony. The future husband then flew into a rage: "I told her that if my daughter is not present, there would be no wedding to celebrate".

The crisis escalated and neither of the two would back down. "I told her I will cancel the wedding. Am I going too far or am I just a caring father?" the man asked Reddit users.

Pxfuel - Not the actual photo

Pxfuel - Not the actual photo

Users gave their full support to the man. "If she doesn't want your daughter at the wedding, don't expect her to allow your daughter to be around in your future lives," commented one person.

From your point of view, is the man right, or did he go too far threatening to cancel the wedding?
