After more than 15 years of marriage and 3 children, this woman discovers that she has married her cousin

by Mark Bennett

April 21, 2023

After more than 15 years of marriage and 3 children, this woman discovers that she has married her cousin

It is said that love is blind and very often we find this is true: you cannot"control" who you fall in love with and sometimes quite unusual situations can arise. One example is the story of Celina Quinones, a Colorado resident, who caused quite a stir on social media.

After more than 15 years of marriage and having three children, she discovered she was her husband's cousin. Despite the devastating revelation, the couple has decided to stay together and Celina now refers to her partner as her "cousband", a playful term that we can decipher as "cousin and husband".

via Mirror

Celina stressed that the couple had no idea of their kinship before finding out through analysis of their family tree and some DNA tests: the results indeed confirmed their relatedness, but Celina decided that this would not affect their relationship. "Life with my husband is exactly how I wanted it to be, and my kids are his top priority. That's all that matters," she commented.

Many viewers wondered how it was possible that the couple didn't know they were related. However, Celina explained that they had never met before meeting and falling in love. After four months of courtship, they got married without knowing anything about their familial relationship. Celina said that while the news of their relatedness was devastating, she would never let it impact their relationship and the family they have created together.


"I'm sharing my story to raise awareness: the situation of kinship may be more common than you think, especially in countries like Colorado, where communities are often small and people know each other. It's best to take a blood test to avoid discovering later that you are related!" Celina said.

Celina and her husband have decided to face the setback together: "Despite the difficulties, love and family are the most important things in life," she said. "Even if we separated, we would be linked for life because we will always be related!", she said.

Celina's story sparked a heated debate online between those who see "cousin marriages" as normal and those who see it as unacceptable. What do you think?
