Woman's father is terminally ill: she organizes a fake wedding to be able to dance with him

by Mark Bennett

March 31, 2023

Woman's father is terminally ill: she organizes a fake wedding to be able to dance with him

Getting wed is an event dreamed of by many: it's not just a beautiful celebration with a romantic flavor - it's the moment in which you swear eternal love to your soul mate and that's why most people can't wait to share the happy tidings with loved ones. In fact, many women dream of having the famous "first dance" with their fathers - but not all brides can be lucky enough to have this.

In the summer of 2013, Dr. James Wolf of Auburn, California, USA had only a few months left to live. Because of this, his daughter Rachel, who was 25 years old at the time, decided to organize a "fake wedding" to forever immortalize the memory of having the first dance with her father.

via ABC News

Pexels - Not the Actual Photo

Pexels - Not the Actual Photo

Despite Rachel not having any plans to wed (for real), that didn't stop her from making her dream come true. The news of Rachel's "project" spread throughout the town and some companies chose to help the young woman in her endeavours. One company offered the rental of a tuxedo for free, others a wedding dress, a DJ, a limousine ride and more. In a very short time, Rachel was able to organize the perfect faux wedding to dance with her dad at.

A crowd of over 60 people - including friends, relatives and supporters - awaited the bride-to-be. The whole scene was recorded on video: the moment Rachel got out of the limousine in her splendid wedding dress, her father embraced her,  beaming with joy. Soon after, they danced the first wedding dance together.


Pexels - Not the Actual Photo

Dr. James Wolf died a few months later, and Rachel decided not to view the recording of her dancing with her dad until her actual wedding day. She didn't have to wait long before reliving those moving moments: three years later, Rachel married Randy Todd.

During the wedding reception, Rachel honored the promise she made to herself and shared the special moment with her guests: she viewed the dance with her beloved father for the first time. In this way, she ensured her father was with her on her special day.

We are certain that her father, although not physically there, joined her in spirit.
