After his death, his family discover that this elderly man was secretly paying for medicines for those who could not afford them

by Mark Bennett

April 02, 2023

After his death, his family discover that this elderly man was secretly paying for medicines for those who could not afford them

It's always very sad to have to say goodbye to someone who has died and holding on to good memories is one way to keep those who have passed "alive". Thanks to his kindness to the community, the memory of Mr. Hody Childress, an elderly farmer from Alabama, USA, will never be forgotten.

Hody unfortunately passed away due to an illness and, on the day of the funeral, his loved ones discovered a secret that he had kept hidden for years, and which made them realize how special this man really was.

via The Guardian

My Daddy!

Pubblicato da Tania Nix su Venerdì 11 novembre 2022

During the funeral service, Tania - Mr. Hody's daughter - revealed that her father paid a monthly fee at the city pharmacy for anyone who needed help paying for their medicines. Brooke Walker, the owner of the pharmacy, then told the story in detail: "Hody told me he wanted to remain anonymous, and that he didn't want to know how his money was used. We always said to whoever received help: 'This is from someone who felt guided by God to help you.' We complied with Hody's requests to the end. He donated $100 a month, a lot for him. He was a modest, kind man."

With Hody's money, the pharmacy was able to help about two people a month. Mr. Hody began to have health problems, so he confided his secret to his daughter Tania, entrusting her with the task of continuing the donations. “When he told me what he had been doing for years I was blown away, I had no idea he was helping people in need. He told me that on the first of every month he gave $100 dollars to the pharmacist and didn't want to know who he had helped. He just wanted to bless people,” Tania explained.


I am still learning. Dad and Jo teaching me how to make salmon patties. I enjoying spending time with these two cuties💕

Pubblicato da Tania Nix su Sabato 22 ottobre 2022

“A young, single mom came to the pharmacy one day. Both she and her daughter needed a drug that her insurance didn't cover. There was no alternative. When I handed her the drug with the receipt attached, she started crying with gratitude. And that's not even the best part," Brooke said. "Several months later, the woman came back and paid for the medicines. She wanted the money to be put back into to the charity account. She didn't have to do this, nor did I want her to, but she wanted to help others in difficulty. I believe Hody ignited this spark in her heart and she will carry it for life," Brooke added.

Brooke said many of the people Hody had helped came back to the pharmacy to do the same: "Hody's generostity had a ripple effect, without him even realizing it," Brooke commented. In short, others were inspired by Hody to continue contributing to the pharmacy's charity fund. What a beautiful way to honor Mr. Hody Childress' memory.
