Couple decides to chaperone two disabled friends to the prom

by Mark Bennett

March 05, 2023

Couple decides to chaperone two disabled friends to the prom

It's not that difficult to show kindness to the people we meet, especially those who need a little extra love and care. But often, everyday life distracts us from making these simple gestures that can make a difference in someone's life.

Sydney and Logan have understood this reality this very well. This young couple (who are engaged) decided to participate in their high school prom in an unforgettable manner, to say the least. In fact, the two decided to go to the party separately, in order to be able to invite two of their school friends to the dance: two disabled students.

via Metaspoon

Sydney, a softball player and cheerleader, was also a high school assistant teacher in the Life Skills class at Princeton High School, Indiana, USA. In the course of giving her classes, Sydney befriended a disabled student named Noah Heichelbech.

Sydney knew that with his sociable and outgoing nature Noah would have a lot of fun at prom, so she came up with a brilliant idea. "Noah is so thoughtful and fun-loving, he greets everyone in the hallway," Sydney explained. "He's bursting with energy. He's my best friend," she added. For this reason, the Sydney and Logan decided to go to the dance with two special chaperones: Sydney would bring Noah, while Logan would bring another disabled student named Harley.


Smile 😄

Pubblicato da Sydney Firkins su Sabato 5 marzo 2022

To ask Noah to be her date, Sydney got a softball and wrote a message on it which she then handed to Noah. The message read: "Would you like to come to the prom with me?", to which Noah replied immediately: "Yeah, for sure!"

Meanwhile, Logan gave Harley a bouquet of pink roses - her favorite flowers - along with a sweet message that read: "I'd be honored if you'd come with me to the prom". At the prom, the four had a wonderful evening together: they had fun, danced and chatted together. "The fact that Sydney and Logan cared and wanted to include me like this warms my heart," Noah commented.

It's people like these who make the world a better place to live in.
