Tired of constant disappointments in love, this woman chose to marry herself

by Mark Bennett

March 19, 2023

Tired of constant disappointments in love, this woman chose to marry herself

Getting married is the romantic dream of many people: getting wed to the person of your dreams, your soulmate, the one you love. Of course, to take such a step, you need to be sure you are marrying the right person.

However, there are some people who - disheartened by numerous disappointments in love - have decided to "do it themselves" by marrying... themselves. This is the case of Sofía Maure, a young woman of Argentine nationality who has decided to "promise herself eternal love" and shared her story on social media.

via Semana

Twitter - @sofimaure07

Twitter - @sofimaure07

Tired of failing in love and being single , Sofía decided to "get married" - but in an unusual way. The young woman went on Twitter wearing a beautiful wedding dress with pleats and a wide neckline, complete with a wedding veil: "Today is an important moment in my life. I bought a wedding dress and I baked a wedding cake so that I can get married - to myself," she wrote in the captions to her photos.

The reaction from her followers was immediate, with many of them "offering" themselves as a bride or groom. In response, Sofía took a photo of her wedding cake and this raised even more questions from her fans.

Twitter - @sofimaure07

Twitter - @sofimaure07

However, it seems that Sofia's "marriage" has been a failure: in an update post, she said she was already considering a divorce, and only 24 hours after the wedding: "I am struggling to put up with myself. I'm considering a divorce," she wrote. Sofia's joke amused her fans immensely.

Of course, Sofia's entire post is all very tongue-in-cheek, but more and more people - especially women - are opting for "sologamous" marriages (ie. marrying oneself). In most cases, those who decide to take such a step do so as a sort of "therapy" to better accept themselves as they are, warts and all.

What do you think of this trend?
