7-year-old stepdaughter calls her stepmother 'mom' but the woman is not comfortable with this: "I'm sorry, but I'm not your mother"

by Mark Bennett

February 05, 2023

7-year-old stepdaughter calls her stepmother 'mom' but the woman is not comfortable with this: "I'm sorry, but I'm not your mother"

Many will agree that an adoptive parent can be as special, if not more, than a biological parent. Indeed, to be honest, there is no real difference between the two: there is nothing that an adoptive parent will not do for their adopted child. Of course, situations like this are not always rosy and the subject of this story had some doubts after telling her husband's daughter that she didn't want to be called "mom". But read on to find out more...

via Reddit

Pexels / Not the actual photo

Pexels / Not the actual photo

A woman - let's call her Sally - posted her story to Reddit to figure out whether or not she had been wrong in telling her 7-year-old stepdaughter not to call her "mom". Sally outlined the context and background to the incident: she and her husband met approximately 6 years ago and have now been married for 2 years. The man had a daughter from a previous marriage; unfortunately, he had discovered that his ex was cheating on him and got a divorce. His daughter, who is now 7 years old, has always lived with her dad and his new partner since she was 1 year old. Sally also underlined that the girl has practically no contact with her biological mother, who is always traveling and is not very emotionally close to her daughter. In short, Sally is basically fulfilling the function of a mother for the young girl.

Sally says she is not happy her stepdaughter has been abandoned by her real mother, which is why she has always worked hard to be there for the young girl. For example, she often takes her out to do "girl stuff" like a real mother would.

"She always called me by my name, but the first time she called me "mom", it didn't sound right, and it made me feel uncomfortable," Sally wrote on the Reddit forum.

Pexels / Not the actual photo

Pexels / Not the actual photo

Sally described that she responded in this way: "I'm sorry, but I'm not your mother and you can't call me that, honey". It obviously wasn't easy for the little girl to be rejected like that, especially after having already been "abandoned" by her biological mother. Sally's husband was furious with her: "He told me that his daughter feels close enough to me to call me mom and that I should feel honored." But Sally doesn't think it is right to take on a role that is not hers.

Reddit users lambasted Sally and stated that the little girl will now have to deal with yet another trauma caused by a cruel rejection. What do you think about this story?
