After three miscarriages, it seemed impossible for this woman to have another baby: in the end, she gave birth to quadruplets

by Mark Bennett

January 25, 2023

After three miscarriages, it seemed impossible for this woman to have another baby: in the end, she gave birth to quadruplets

Most people believe getting pregnant is a simple, natural process. However, this is not always the case: being able to fall pregnant is the end output of a very complex process. And when it happens, we can truly speak of "fate" intervening.

Dayna Childress knows this very well. She is a young 28-year-old mother who, after the birth of her first child, Lincoln, tried to have a second baby, but without any success: unfortunately, Dayna suffered three consecutive miscarriages. Before finally giving up, Dayna chose to try some fertility drugs.

via DailyMail

When little Lincoln was nine months old, Dayna and her husband Colby decided to enlarge their family. After seven months, Dayna found out she was pregnant again, but she lost the baby after just six weeks. After this unfortunate pregnancy, the Dayna tried again, but with the same, sad outcome. Worried about this, Dayna asked for the assistance of gynecologists in order to solve her fertility issues: "My first pregnancy was successful so, I could not explain what happened afterwards", Dayna said.

None of the doctors could find any abnormalities in Dayna's reproductive system, so a specialist prescribed some medications to help her conceive. After about a year, Dayna got pregnant again, but this pregnancy also ended in a miscarriage. “My third loss made me believe I would never have another baby,” Dayna said.


Though very discouraged, Dayna kept trying, until she finally fell pregnant with quadruplets. "The first ultrasound showed four fetuses, but we could only hear two heartbeats. We thought only twins would survive, but we were happy about this. When we later discovered all four hearts were beating, our joy was indescribable! We were finally going to be the big family with loads of kids that we've wanted! It was a real miracle," Colby said.

We wish this - finally large - family all the best of luck.
