Homeless woman asks for leftovers of a meal: a woman offers her a full meal and hugs her tightly

by Mark Bennett

January 14, 2023

Homeless woman asks for leftovers of a meal: a woman offers her a full meal and hugs her tightly

Often, especially when you are in big cities, you see homeless people who are begging for money or scraps so they can get something to eat. Less frequently, however, it happens that some of these homeless people are brave enough to enter a restaurant and ask for leftovers in order not to starve to death. When this happens, customers are not always willing to listen to the unfortunate people and, many times, have management throw them out.

But in this case, the woman we want to tell you about here, decided to respond to the request for help from a homeless woman in a truly exemplary way.

via Carmen Mendez/Facebook

I debated posting this picture but considering that today many of us are gonna be thankful for what we have and are...

Pubblicato da Carmen Mendez su Giovedì 26 novembre 2015

Carmen Mendez is a young woman who lives in Anaheim, California and made the entire web shed a tear with her story. In a long post on Facebook, she described going to a restaurant with her partner, where they met a very unfortunate person.

"We were waiting for our order to come and were sitting at our table, when I noticed a lady passing by the tables looking for leftovers," she wrote. Carmen continued:"Everyone turned their backs on her and shooed her away, without giving her anything. I've been working for years with the homeless and they have never created any problems for me. I really don't understand how people can be so cruel to them. I told my partner that if she approached me, I would definitely give her something". Unfortunately, the homeless woman then passed out of view of the couple.

As Carmen and Fred, her boyfriend, were about to leave the restaurant, she heard a female voice calling her: it was the unfortunate woman. She asked Carmen for something to eat and Carmen didn't hesitate to give her what was left of her meal.


"I gave her what I had left, but I felt bad about it, I felt strange and uncomfortable," Carmen said. She continued: "The poor woman deserved so much more, so I offered to buy her a meal. A nice hot meal was what she really needed. I asked the restaurant staff not to chase her away, but I saw the people around me glaring at me with disapproval. When I told the woman to stay because they were preparing dinner for her, her eyes filled with gratitude. I've never felt such a sensation."

After that, the two women hugged each other and the scene was extremely moving for both of them. Together they cried and, perhaps for the first time, the homeless woman felt that someone cared about her. "It's a moment I will never forget and I hope many more people understand that this woman is homeless not by choice but by a set of circumstances that have gone wrong in her life," Carmen stated.

This is an act of altruism that we could all follow to make the world a better place for everyone, rich or poor.
