"Is beauty a privilege? No! Women hate me and for men I'm just a trophy girlfriend"

by Mark Bennett

February 04, 2023

"Is beauty a privilege? No! Women hate me and for men I'm just a trophy girlfriend"

Having an attractive appearance, a nice body, and a beautiful face is considered by many to be good luck. Usually, one assumes beautiful people have an easier time in life. But is this true?

The subject of this story claims exactly the opposite is the case and, in a video posted to social media, she described her daily life.

via @brenttanye/Tik Tok

@brenttanye/Tik Tok

@brenttanye/Tik Tok

What would you think if you were told that you are too beautiful to find work and/or friends? This question seems absurd, but this situation does occur, apparently. Proof of this is Brenttany Sharraine, a beautiful 27-year-old young woman who lives in New York and who claims she has had a hard time because of her attractive appearance.

In a short clip posted on her TikTok account and entitled "Is beauty a privilege?", Brenttany described her problems. Apparently, she cannot find any friends, or cultivate any lasting relationships, due to how beautiful she is.

@brenttanye/Tik Tok

@brenttanye/Tik Tok

In the post, Brenttany states: "This is something I am noticing more and more. My experiences prove this too. Of course, I do receive many compliments. But not everyone is quite so complimentary. For some men, I am a trophy to be shown off - a beautiful girl to go out with and nothing else. For many women, on the other hand, I receive only negative comments".

That's right: there are many women who are critical of Brenttany, and she believes this negativity is driven by envy and jealousy. "Even in high school my self-esteem was very low. People avoided me and I only had one friend," Brenttany stated. Not to mention the fact that many of Brenttany's relationships ended because others judged her to be arrogant, self-centered and aloof.

@brenttanye/Tik Tok

@brenttanye/Tik Tok

This is the reason why, according to Brenttany, beauty is not always a positive thing, but hides many pitfalls that can make one's life difficult.

What do you think about this story?
