"I can't buy my children presents: I'll have to tell them that Santa Claus doesn't exist"

by Mark Bennett

December 25, 2022

"I can't buy my children presents: I'll have to tell them that Santa Claus doesn't exist"

Many people, during their lives, experiences moments of intense and wonderful serenity; others, however, are less well off. It is often said that with grit and a lot of hard work, any obstacle can be overcome, but this is not always true.

The woman we want to tell you about here is a 30-year-old mother who has found herself in dire financial straits, without a way out. Here is her story:

via New York Post

@mamacameronx/Tik Tok

@mamacameronx/Tik Tok

Rachel Cameron is originally from Scotland and is the mother of 4 children, all under the age of 10. This is a large family to provide for, especially if money is scarce and you're living on the "breadline". Worried about the situation she was in, the woman sought out advice on the web.

"We are going through a very bad time. I just want my children to be happy, I don't want them to lack anything and my greatest wish is to provide for them like any other mother," she said. Her concerns have intensified with the approach of Christmas, a time of the year when all kids should find a present under the tree. But Rachel cannot afford to do this.

@mamacameronx/Tik Tok

@mamacameronx/Tik Tok

"I can't afford to buy gifts for my children. I am saddened by the thought of having to tell them that Santa Claus doesn't exist because they won't find any gifts waiting for them on Christmas day. If anyone has been in the same situation as me, could you give me some advice on how to get out of this horrible circumstance?" Rachel asked.

The many users read Rachel's story and opinion was divided. On the one hand, there were those who reached out to comfort her; others, however, criticised her because she is unemployed. "They tell me that I'm lazy and that I don't want to work, but that's not the case. Beforehand, I had a good job, but since our last child arrived, I cannot work any longer. If I had family willing to help me, I'd leave the children with them and I'd go to work, but I can't. I don't waste time during the day - being a mother and a housewife isn't easy. It's true that I don't bring home a salary, but it is also true that I take care of the children and I don't have to pay someone else to do it," she said.

@mamacameronx/Tik Tok

@mamacameronx/Tik Tok

Despite their efforts, she and her husband have been unable to cope. We only hope that this family can find a solution that will lift them out of poverty and not have to kill the dreams of their little ones.
