Teenager loses his parents in an accident a few days before his graduation: the policeman assigned to the case goes to the ceremony to support him

by Mark Bennett

December 12, 2022

Teenager loses his parents in an accident a few days before his graduation: the policeman assigned to the case goes to the ceremony to support him

The passing of a parent is tough thing to deal with, but the sudden loss of both in an accident is a really heavy grief to bear - especially if you are a young, 18-year-old teenager about to graduate. This is unfortunately the burden that Kazzie Portie had to bear.

One day, a policeman knocked on his door to tell him the sad news: his parents had been killed in a car accident. Kazzie was due to graduate in a few days, and police officer, Eric Ellison, was moved by the teen's plight.

via Mirror

Pexels - Not the Actual Photo

Pexels - Not the Actual Photo

Eric told Kazzie he'd be there for him: "I told him: 'You're going to the ceremony and I'll be there supporting you. Your mom and dad will have front row seats looking down on you from heaven, and I'll be in their seats. I'll have your back," he said.

The police officer was moved by the young man's tragedy because his daughter had also just graduated. He said being there for Kazzie was "the right thing to do". Eric obviously couldn't replace Kazzie's parents, but he did what he could to support a young man through an incredibly difficult time in his life.


On graduation day, Officer Eric Ellison, dressed in his police uniform, watched from the sidelines as Kazzie received his certificate and his classmates gave him a 40-second standing ovation. And when he left the stage, Eric was right there to give the new graduate a big hug. The moment was immortalized in a photo shared on social media, where it garnered thousands of comments of love and solidarity.

Even though his parents weren't able to attend the graduation, Kazzie said he knows they're proud of him. "My parents told me last month how proud they were of me for graduating, and of the man I have become," said the young teen. "And knowing this, really warms my heart with joy. It was so nice to see Officer Ellison showing genuine concern for my situation instead of us becoming just another case file," he added.

This was a wonderful gesture that this young man will never forget.
