Husband-to-be takes the wedding dress chosen by his fiancé back to the shop and swops it for a dress preferred by his mother

by Mark Bennett

December 02, 2022

Husband-to-be takes the wedding dress chosen by his fiancé back to the shop and swops it for a dress preferred by his mother

A wedding day is a day that many couples imagine as "being perfect" or, at least, as perfect as possible. It's never easy to organize something that has been a dream for ages, but a basic requirement is to have the power to choose between options. Although it may seem absurd, but some people find themselves being influenced by their parents, mothers-in-law or friends while planning their own wedding. For example, the subject of this story, the bride, had to deal with her pushy, bossy mother-in-law. To boot, this woman was supported by her son - the young woman's future husband.

via Reddit

Pexels / Not the actual photo

Pexels / Not the actual photo

The bride (28 years old) told users on Reddit about how the preparations for her wedding had been a real nightmare, primarily because of her interfering mother-in-law. During the preparations, this mother-in-law never agreed with any of her daughter-in-law's choices, criticising her at every turn. Things came to a head over the choice of wedding dress: the mother-in-law had chosen one that she deemed to be "perfect". It was too bad then, that this opinon was not shared by the bride!

"She insisted on coming to buy my wedding dress with me," said the bride-to-be, "I was very lucky to find exactly what I wanted. But she chose a dress that she liked and said that "she had always imagined her son's bride dressed like this". My mom and friends found this behavior very creepy. And the dress was definitely not my style. So I apologized and thanked her for her "advice", but I told her that I had already decided on the dress I would wear to my wedding!" the young woman said.

Pexels / Not the actual photo

Pexels / Not the actual photo

Needless to say, the mother-in-law didn't take this rejection very well. But it wasn't so much the mother-in-law's reaction that surprised everyone, but the actions of the future husband, who supported his mother 100%. The young woman said that her fiance resented the treatment his mother had received. After a heated argument, it seemed that the matter was resolved. The next day, however, the young woman was thunder-struck: her fiance had taken her dream wedding dress back to the shop and had brought back the one chosen by his mother.

“I confronted him but he had no regrets about what he did and why he did it. I started yelling at him. He asked me to calm down and give the dress 'a chance'. I refused to listen to him. I yelled at him and told him to shut up. I stormed out and went to stay with a friend of mine. He kept calling and texting me saying that I had overreacted and that it's his wedding too. He insisted I give the dress a chance. He went on to talk about how me wearing this dress was "a dream" for his mother. He said she had good intentions and only wants the best for me as her future daughter-in-law," the young bride-to-be wrote.

Pexels / Not the actual photo

Pexels / Not the actual photo

The young woman asked Reddit users for advice and whether or not she had overreacted. None of the users blamed her for her reaction - quite the contrary. Some users suggested that she call off the wedding and distance herself from this "mummy's boy", and things will only get worse over time. What do you think about this story?
