She is 24 and he is 85: "we got married and now we want a child"

by Mark Bennett

February 22, 2023

She is 24 and he is 85: "we got married and now we want a child"

When can you fall in love with someone? When a woman or a man makes us feel good, listens to us, understands us, makes us smile, gives us affection and everything else we need. And in this idyllic scenario, how important is the age difference between two lovers? There are those who are of the opinion that too great an age gap between two partners is deleterious, while there are those who argue the opposite.

There are many examples in the world which confirm how age is just biographical information and does not affect relationships - and the story we are about to tell you is one of these. In this case, the age gap is more than 60 years, but this doesn't seem to be a problem at all.

via New York Post

mnigeria98/Tik Tok

mnigeria98/Tik Tok

Miracle Pogue, of Starkville, Mississippi, and Charles Pogue are a happy married couple who have become famous on the web for a unique aspect about their relationship: their enormous age difference. In fact, Miracle is 24 years old, while her new husband, Charles, is 85 years old. But apparently, this age gap does not represent an obstacle to their love.

Miracle stated: "We met when I worked in a laundry. Charles was a customer, we saw each other often and we started talking. Then one day he came in and left me a note with his phone number and from there our relationship ibecame more and more intense. I discovered his age by chance. Previously, I was convinced he was between 60 and 70 years of age. Then he told me he was born in 1937".

mnigeria98/Tik Tok

mnigeria98/Tik Tok

Tamika Phillips, Miracle's mother, and Joe Brown, her grandfather, were very happy about the relationship between Miracle and Charles. The person who expressed the most doubt was Miracle's father, Kareem Phillips. He was not at all happy with his daughter's choice to marry a man 61 years older than she was. But later, Kareem changed his mind.

Miracle said: "My father didn't want to know anything about Charles, but he knew he would have lost me if he did not walk me down the aisle. Later, he spoke to Charles and immediately took to him. Marrying Charles was the best thing I have done in my life and I will never regret what I did. I have always dreamed of having a beautiful family and we want two children".

mnigeria98/Tik Tok

mnigeria98/Tik Tok

Getting married attracted a lot of critisism of this couple by outsiders. Many do not understand how a young woman can feel love for a man who is older than her own grandfather. But this negativity does not have any effect on the couple.

What do you think of this unorthodox relationship?
