Woman washes her toilet brush in her dishwasher, thinking it's okay: her friend is scandalized

by Mark Bennett

November 27, 2022

Woman washes her toilet brush in her dishwasher, thinking it's okay: her friend is scandalized

The industrialization of European countries has allowed many countries to make giant strides in the field of technology, greatly facilitating people's lives. The economic boom of the 1950's brought with it the washing machine, dishwashers, vacuum cleaners and many other appliances that helped housewives around the world keep their homes tidy. Today, we all use these appliances and the dishwasher allows us to wash all our dirty dishes much faster now. Plates, cutlery, pots, in some cases even pans: almost anything washable can be put in a dishwasher! The woman who is the subject of this story, however, confessed that she also uses the dishwasher to clean her toilet brush.

via Tyla

Pexels / Not the actual photo

Pexels / Not the actual photo

Our grandmothers must have rejoiced when the dishwasher entered their lives, right? Today, it is an indispensible appliance. A woman who chose to remain anonymous, confessed online that she uses her dishwasher to wash her toilet brush. Moreover, the woman specified that she also washes her mop together with the plates, cups and glasses, considering it a completely normal practice. As you can imagine, the woman's revelation triggered scandalized comments from users. Here's what the woman said:

"One morning, a friend of mine came home to visit me, so I offered him a coffee and he accepted. I opened the dishwasher to take out a couple of cups, the toilet brush was laying next to them. When my guest noticed this, he shouted about how disgusting this was. I thought it was a common practice".

Pexels / Not the actual photo

Pexels / Not the actual photo

The woman was embarrassed and hand-washed the cups. But later, she wondered if it was really that weird to put the toilet brush in the dishwasher. Most users confirmed that she should stop this "unhygienic" practice immediately: "I don't think it's at all acceptable," one user wrote. "I'm with your friend, he's right. I wouldn't have taken a sip of anything in your house," said another.  "I don't care if it's hygienic or not, it shouldn't be done," read a further comment. It is worth noting, however, that one person said: "My ex partner did the same thing and we are both still alive".

Are you also scandalized by the idea of putting a toilet brush in the dishwasher? Or do you consider this practice acceptable? Write it to us in the comments!
