27-year-old woman states says she only showers twice a week: a heated debate breaks out

There has been a lot of discussion recently on the subject of personal hygiene and the number of showers one should take each week. There are no right or wrong answers, of course, but common sense should be exercised. Not washing for many days can be deemed as disrespectful for others, even if we have a right to choose. In summer, the need to wash is more pressing, while in winter, showering frequency can be reduced. The subject of this story, however, has shocked many web users after claiming to shower only twice a week.

Allison McCarthy has started a debate that perhaps not even she imagined would kick off. The 27-year-old woman from Boston claimed to only shower twice a week, which horrified many users. Allison wasn't even aware she was doing "something others would find shocking". In fact, one user commented: "I recently found out that you are, it seems, a very dirty individual." Allison, unlike most women who shower every day (but who only wash their hair a couple of times a week), only goes through this routine twice a week.
"When I get in the shower, I wash my hair," she explained, "Why would I take a shower and not wash my hair? But the point is, I don't want to wash my hair every day," Allison stated. At this point, someone reminded Allison that there are protective shower caps she can use to prevent her hair getting wet.

Some user supported Allison, especially when one doesn't have to leave the house frequently: "If I don't leave the house, you can bet I don't shower every day," said one user . However, many other users did not agrees: "It is not possible that you have just published this private information about yourself," and also, "The nubmer of people who do not wash frequently, given these comments ... is just sad".
Personal hygiene is, indeed, a personal matter, although most people do wash daily - especially after some physical exercise. What do you think about this matter? Is showering only twice a week sufficient?