Blind woman does not realize how dilapidated her house has become: her neighbors decide to fix it for her

by Mark Bennett

November 24, 2022

Blind woman does not realize how dilapidated her house has become: her neighbors decide to fix it for her

Having a disability can be difficult to live with. For some, having a disability can make them not want to keep going. But everything can change when one is surrounded by wonderful people who reach out to support those in need.

This is exactly what happened to the subject of this story. She is a blind person who got amazing support from kind neighbors and strangers. Here is her story:

via CBS Sacramento

Go Fund Me

Go Fund Me

Faye Abbas is a woman from Woodland, California, who has lived in the same house for 30 years - ever since 1992. Unfortunately, Faye is blind and, although this has never stopped her from getting around, meeting people and working (as a voice coach and piano teacher), her disability prevented her from seeing that her home was becoming very dilapidated. But this fact did not escape her neighbors.

The first to realize that something had to be done was Paul Bridge. The man saw the Faye's house every day and knew that action had to be taken. Shortly afterward, many others stepped in to help with Faye's problem.

YouTube/screenshot - CBS Sacramento

YouTube/screenshot - CBS Sacramento

Faye's house not only needed to be repainted, but required structural work that would be expensive. Apparently, however, this didn't frighten off the volunteers. In addition to chipping in financially, there were also those who set up a fundraiser for Faye's home restoration: the GoFundMe project "Repair Faye's Home" aimed at raising 10,000 euros.

The fundraiser text read: "Faye is an elderly, blind lady. She is very caring, selfless and friendly. She lives alone and works as a teacher, but her house is in poor condition and we, as a community, want to help it repair and repaint it."

The kindness of the donors and volunteers moved Faye. She deeply and sincerely thanked all those involved in restoring her home. And on top of everything, Faye was able to ask for a few personal touches: for example, she asked for her front door to be painted pink.

"I love pink and I like the door painted in this way. I can't see it, it's true, but I like the sensation it gives off," Faye said.

We must congratulate all the wonderful people who reached out and helped Faye without expecting anything in return. Let's all take an example from this wonderful act of altruism!
