Woman gives birth in the back of a taxi: "Days later, I received the bill for cleaning the vehicle"

It is not always easy for a woman to deal with a pregnancy. It is one of the most beautiful things that can happen to a woman, but for the future mothers, there are ups and downs during the 9 months of pregnancy and, above all, at the moment of childbirth. This moment is always a very special one and every woman giving birth would like to be assisted when doing so.
But some babies come into the world earlier than expected. This can be a problem and one which happened to the subject of this story. Here is her story:
via The Sun
Farah Cacanindin is a young mother of 26 who gave birth to her baby in a very strange place. The preganant woman had just had a routine checkup at a hospital and she hailed a taxi to go back home. But, after only spending 5 minutes in the taxi, something completely unexpected happened. The young woman went into labor and her waters broke.
The stunned taxi driver asked her if he should pull over, but Farah told him to drive back to the hospital, confident that she would arrive in time to give birth. But things did not work out like this, and the woman gave birth to her baby, Naia, in the back seat of the taxi. In the meantime, the driver alerted the hospital to get ready for the mother and daughter to arrive. Shortly afterwards, they did.

Pixabay - Not the actual photo
Once it was established that the two were fine and that the birth in the taxi had not caused any problems, they were sent home - where Farah got another surprise. A few days after the taxi birth, she was handed a £90 pound bill from the taxi company (almost 100 euros). £30 pounds were for the ride, while the remaining £60 pounds was to clean the taxi.

The taxi company had charged Farah to clean the taxi. "I was aware that I had created a bit of mess," said the 26-year-old, "but it didn't seem very polite to send me a bill - especially because it was not something I had planned".
What do you think and what would you have done in this woman's shoes?