Mother takes away the cell phone from her 15-year-old son: he goes on a rampage destroying the house (+ VIDEO)

by Mark Bennett

November 14, 2022

Mother takes away the cell phone from her 15-year-old son: he goes on a rampage destroying the house (+ VIDEO)

The education of children is of primary importance and passes through two main channels: the family and the school. Too often, however, the hard work of a mother or a teacher is not enough to correct the anti-social behavior of some children. And one can run into serious trouble if one does not have the skills to cope with the situation. This mother, who is the subject of this story, knows something about this: her 15-year-old son vented his anger at home, destroying everything in his wake. The main reason for his anger was related to his cell phone. His mother had confiscated it as a punishment, but the child did not accept this.

via Twitter / _sjae

Twitter / _sjae

Twitter / _sjae

Shania is the mom of a troubled boy who couldn't hold back his anger at being put in detention. Like many parents, Shania took his phone to teach him a lesson or, at least, to make him understand that everyone's actions and behaviors have consequences. Her son, however, did not react well to this and literally tore the house apart. Shania has published a video in which she has filmed the pitiful state in which her son has left the house. Obviously, the woman filmed the scene in tears.

Twitter / _sjae

Twitter / _sjae

Users were shocked by the scene that looked more like the result of an environmental disaster and not the wrath of a child. In fact, many thought that Shania's son was just 12 years old and could not imagine how a child could have caused such damage. And why had Shania let her child do this? But the mother explained in another video that her son is 15 and not 12, he is 1.82 meters tall and weighs 93 kilograms: in short, she cannot physically restrain him.

In the video, posted on Twitter, you can see the bathroom reduced rubble, an overturned television and smashed furniture. Shania is deeply distraught and is daunted by the thought of having the house repaired. Fortunately, Shania has started a fundraiser to ask for help to repair the damage done by her son and so far, she has raised more than $30,000 dollars. What is certain is that it is not normal for a teenager to react in this way when he is forbidden to use his cell phone. This incident shows how important a good education is. Sometimes, as perhaps is this case here, professional help should be sought.

How do your children or grandchildren react when their smartphones are confiscated? Write to us in the comments!
