"My mother-in-law looks through my things: to expose her, I hid a fake pregnancy test in my room"

by Mark Bennett

February 25, 2023

"My mother-in-law looks through my things: to expose her, I hid a fake pregnancy test in my room"

Let's face it: a relationship with one's mother-in-law is unlikely to be the most idyllic of all family bonds. Certainly, this is not a rule that applies to everyone and there are those who have an excellent relationship with their partner's mother. But there are cases where this is just not possible. It's not just about "respecting" boundaries but can be a fundamental personality clash.

This is a story about a woman who had to deal with intrusiveness of her mother-in-law. Read on to find out more:

via Reddit

Pexels - Not the actual photo

Pexels - Not the actual photo

The woman - let's call her Eve - told her story in a post to Reddit, and described how she unmasked the intrusiveness of her husband's mother. "My mother-in-law came to live with us for a month. I immediately began to notice that the furniture and many of my things were moved around in my bedroom. I know that my husband doesn't do things like that, so I immediately suspected his mother," Eve said.

Eve spoke to her husband about his mother sneaking around in their bedroom, but he refused to believe his mother would do anything of the sort. So, how could Eve prove her point?

"I couldn't install a camera in the house. It wouldn't look good, so I thought of another way to catch her. I bought a fake positive pregnancy test and hid it in the trash can in our bedroom. The next day, both my husband and I began to receive numerous calls congratulating us on the wonderful news," Eve explained.

Pexels - Not the actual photo

Pexels - Not the actual photo

Even Eve's husband was caught by surprise, but when Eve told him what she had done to expose his mother, he was not happy.

"Although it was now clear that his mother was guitly, he changed the conversation by telling me that the biggest problem was me faking a pregnancy. He asked me to take a proper test to be sure and said I was wrong to have laid a trap for his mother," Eve stated.

Now, Eve's relationship has been damaged by this incident. What would you advise her: was she wrong for wanting to protect her privacy or not?
