At 84, this woman comes out: "This is my wife - I finally said it out aloud!"

by Mark Bennett

October 21, 2022

At 84, this woman comes out: "This is my wife - I finally said it out aloud!"

The judgment of others is something which is difficult to ignore and can be a source of distress. But our feelings of love for another person should never be compromised. In fact, everyone should feel free to love whoever they want without criticism. It goes without saying, however, that this does not always happen in real life: many gay couples, in fact, are still unable to come out, due to ongoing prejudice and discrimination ...

The subject of this story is a woman who managed to show her courage and "came out" at the age of 84.

via TikTok / cgf1717

TikTok / cgf1717

TikTok / cgf1717

Jan Moore is an 84-year-old Canadian woman who has won the hearts and admiration of thousands of users with her coming out on TikTok. The woman screwed up her courage and revealed her life partner is another woman. "Today I did it," she begins by saying in the video, visibly excited. Jan then explains how she was contacted by her bank for personal information, including about her live-in partner, Linda Ford. When asked by the bank clerk who Linda Ford was, Jan replied honestly for the first time: "Oh, she's my wife!"

As she said those words, she realized it was the first time she had said them aloud to a stranger. Of course, the employee did not comment and the phone call ended as if nothing had happened. In Jan's heart, however, something had changed - she felt much happier.

TikTok / cgf1717

TikTok / cgf1717

"I thought this moment was worth recording," she told her followers, "Well, call me silly for not doing it sooner, but I guess it's hard to teach an old dog new tricks. But guess what? I'll do it again! It's never too late". Changing habits at 84 is nearly impossible, but it's never too late to learn. Users praised her and greatly appreciated her honesty: "I'm glad that at the age of 84, you feel secure enough to be able to tell the truth", and also, "Everyone has their time. Now tell your partner 'you are my wife'. Do it several times a day - you have a lot to catch up for."
