Employee wants to resign to be with her daughter, but the boss intervenes: "bring her to the office and I'll take care of her"

by Mark Bennett

October 09, 2022

Employee wants to resign to be with her daughter, but the boss intervenes: "bring her to the office and I'll take care of her"

Those who work 8 hours a day for an entire week know how difficult it is to keep every aspect of their life under control. This is particularly so when you have small children to take care of. Often, it is the mothers who feel the weight of this duty, which is why, in some cases, they make drastic decisions regarding their working arrangements.

And this is exactly what the woman we want to tell you about here was about to do, but, fortunately, a person stepped in to help her and everything turned out well in the end. Here is her story:

via ricardobigprint/Facebook

Some have challenging moments in their lives that can only be overcome if someone else shows understanding and decides to help them out. This happened to Rosita, a mother and worker, who was about to quit her job to take better care of her baby, when someone came to her assistance.

The woman, employed at a copy shop, was having difficulties in managing work and family life at the same time, which is why she had decided to resign from her job. But the world is full of good people and, luckily, one of them crossed her path. Her employer, allowed the Rosita to bring her baby, little Vianey, to the office.


In a lengthy post published on social media by Luis Ricardo Ruiz, the boss, describes the situation and tells the story: "Rosita had difficulty working and looking after her daughter at the same time, so she had decided to quit. I told her not to, but to bring Vianey to the office and leave her with me while she goes about her work duties. We all know it doesn't take long to get attached to a child and I have already given the little girl a nickname: I call her Zarita. When I pick her up she never cries and, if she does, it is only because she is bored."

The boss, who runs a copy shop in the town of Guasave, in Sinaloa, Mexico, made this wonderful gesture of altruism and solidarity. How many employers would do such a thing? Maybe a few would, and Luis was one of these - he allowed a mother to continue in her job without giving up anything as, if not more, important.

Ya tengo más de un año disfrutando mi pre-retiró — ensayando para cuando llegue a los 60 le faltan 8 para retirarme … pero ya ando ensayando en las glorias… si dios quiere

Pubblicato da Luis Ricardo Ruiz su Domenica 18 settembre 2022

The posted story garnered a very high numbers of views and left Ruiz speechless: "I could not believe that this story would attract so many readers," he said. He continued: "I hope with all my heart that this can be an example for other employers: we must learn to support our employees more."

Ruiz is right, has a good soul and is an excellent boss. We also hope that his gesture can guide other employees to do the right thing.
