Woman discovers that her partner is cheating on her: she takes revenge by ruining his new car

by Mark Bennett

September 23, 2022

Woman discovers that her partner is cheating on her: she takes revenge by ruining his new car

Relationships are complicated, it's true, but if you take responsibility for your feelings and respect your partner, you should never have any major problems. Those who cheat, on the other hand, break the hearts of the person who believes they have a loyal companion, ruining the relationship forever. Mending a relationship after a betrayal is, in fact, very difficult. In Mexico, a woman was caught in what appears to be a rage after discovering that her partner was cheating on her. The video shows the woman taking out her fury on her ex's car. Evidently, reconciliation did not seem to be an option.

via TikTok / kevinisai97

TikTok / kevinisai97

TikTok / kevinisai97

Let's be frank: nobody wants to be betrayed and cheated on. It is very difficult to control one's emotions when one becomes aware of such a horrible fact. The woman who was filmed on video, was unable to keep her the anger inside and as soon as she caught sight of her partner's new car, she attacked it. Caught in a rage, the woman has damaged the luxury car using a knife. 

TikTok / kevinisai97

TikTok / kevinisai97

In the video - which didn't take long to go viral - you can clearly see how the woman ruined the car. Thanks to her knife, the woman damaged the vehicle's headlights, causing them to pop out completely; the hood of the car is dented and pitted by the tip of the knife; even the rear windows are targeted in her irrepressible fury. Her ex-partner will surely have been beside himself after seeing the pitiful state of his new car. But yet many readers have commented that this reckless action could soon backfire on the young woman.

TikTok / kevinisai97

TikTok / kevinisai97

Although the woman got revenge on her ex-boyfriend, she will probably have to pay for the damage - a very hefty bill!

In short, her revenge certainly succeeded in the short term, but perhaps she didn't thing everything through properly. What do you think?
