Nurse adopts the son of a single mother who died prematurely: "I made her a promise"

by Mark Bennett

September 24, 2022

Nurse adopts the son of a single mother who died prematurely: "I made her a promise"

Even in the face of the greatest difficulties in life, a mother's first thought is always for the well-being of her children. And so it was for Tricia Somers. The woman discovered she was suffering from terminal cancer and, being a single mother of Wesley, an eight-year-old boy, she made sure to entrust her little one to a worthy, second mother who could take care of him. It all started by chance, in a hospital, while Tricia was undergoing treatment, almost a decade ago.

via CBS

During her treatment, Tricia Somers met a woman who bore the same name as she did: oncology nurse, Tricia Seaman, and for her, it was love at first sight. "Before she even said anything, I felt comforted. It was as if someone had put a warm blanket over me," Tricia told the local press eight years ago. "I've never felt anything like it before, or any other similar connection with anyone else." The mother swore she had met an angel.

Trisha Seaman commented on the meeting stating that "Trisha Somers was only 45 years old. So it came naturally to comfort her, until one day she said to me, 'I have something to ask you: Can you take care of my son? Will you raise him if I can't?' I was very surprised. " Naturally, the nurse was flattered that the mother had entrusted her with Wesley's care. However, she wanted to take a diplomatic approach and to make sure everyone involved felt comfortable with the arrangement.

As fate would have it, Trisha Seaman and her family planned to adopt a child. In fact, at the time this happened, she had just completed the procedures to become foster parents. She had been approved as adoptive parents and completed the first step of the process. So, it seemed like the universe was on Trisha Somers' side, after all. The two women were strangers, yet Trisha Seaman, her husband, and her family all agreed. It all started gradually: at first, Trisha Seaman went to Somers' apartment to get to know Wesley better.


The next step was to invite Tricia and Wesley to Seaman's house. She wanted to see how her husband and her four children would get on with her. Also, she would help Wesley settle into his new room. The first time Somers visited the Seaman home, Tricia made sure to ask for her opinion. She wanted to know if everything looked okay and if she lived up to her standards. Fortunately, Somers couldn't be happier with the house and she said everything looked "perfect". Seaman and Somers became best friends and the woman began the chemotherapy cycle. The two worked together to  sign adoption papers to make Mr. and Mrs. Seaman Wesley's legal guardians. Somers passed away not long after. Eight years have passed since then.

Wesley just turned 16 and now is of age. Before his mother died, she bought him gifts to open when he got older. The most recent was a keychain, for when he gets his first car. In little things like this, the nurse and the patient are still raising the boy together. "I thank my mom every day for giving me a second family," Wesley commented. Seaman also said that Wesley is a model student and a great guy: "He's great. But the most important thing is that he has such a kind and loving heart," said Seaman.
