Woman goes to the hairdresser to change her look but leaves the salon so disappointed that she comes home in tears

by Mark Bennett

August 27, 2022

Woman goes to the hairdresser to change her look but leaves the salon so disappointed that she comes home in tears

Have you ever left the hairdresser unhappy and disappointed because you get the hairstyle you dreamed of? How did you react about it? Did you complain there and then, or did you regret it only once you got home? Whatever happened, you probably didn't react like this young woman. Rosa Gonzales managed to successfully pass her exams and she decided to reward herself with a new hairstyle. This fashion blogger from El Paso, Texas, USA, had long, healthy hair and wanted a trendy cut. Unfortunately, things didn't turn out exactly as she wanted.

via TikTok / rosaamazapan

TikTok / rosaamazapan

TikTok / rosaamazapan

The young woman went to the hairdresser, but once she left the salon, she was so shocked by the result that she decided to film herself crying. She later shared her video on TikTok, where tens of thousands of people have now seen it. The clip, which lasts a minute and a half, begins in the young woman's car. At the beginning of the clip, she is already crying bitterly and shows no inhibition about letting her tears flow.

"I have never before recorded myself crying because I didn't understand why people do it. I thought it's too weird. And now I'm here crying over the worst haircut of my life," she says, show her haircut to the camera. "It's horrible. What is this? What is this!?" she screams in frustration at the camera.


"I take care of my hair. I am a good person. Why? Why did this happen to me? Why did no one stop this demented hairdresser? What is this?" she desperately asks in the video.

Most viewers were sympathetic to the girl's desperate reaction and shared messages of encouragement with her: "Your hair is beautiful. It's a bad haircut, sure, but your hair is still beautiful and it will grow back, my dear," wrote one viewer.

After calming down, Rose thanked the viewers for their support and then admitted that, for this cut, she had gone to a new hairdresser. In these cases, one should always be aware of the possible risks. But, at the end of the day, her hair will grow back again!


