A 4-year-old girl awaits the arrival of garbage collectors every day to greet them: they are her superheroes

by Mark Bennett

September 09, 2022

A 4-year-old girl awaits the arrival of garbage collectors every day to greet them: they are her superheroes

Children's minds are a world full of colors and patterns, in constant movement and evolution. Many of them look with admiration at the work of adults and dream of becoming astronauts, doctors, pilots, but some are so sensitive and genuine that they want to take the most "common" and decidedly unusual professions as a point of reference and ambition

A very tender example of this is the story of little Margie, a 4-year-old girl who was fascinated by a team of garbage collectors who work every day to keep the streets of her neighborhood clean with their imposing trucks.

via LoveWhatMatters

Since she could barely walk, the little girl greeted the Coastal Environmental Services workers as they passed her home to do their work. She watched them spellbound, until she eventually asked her mother if she could go outside to see them up close.

"I took her outside and she watched them walk around the neighborhood. When they reached our house, they waved and honked. She was delighted," said Virginia Gammon, Margie's mother. The woman thanked the company on Facebook for their kind gesture and the company invited Margie and her family to visit the facility.


"Margie, her sister and I took a tour of the company. We met the employees and she was able to meet her favorite driver, Mr. Bird. She was given a Coastal Environmental Services safety vest, a hat, a personalized t-shirt and other items with their logo. She keeps everything in her room next to her three toy garbage trucks," Margie's mum said.

This experience has only increased the admiration that the girl feels for these workers: in the eyes of regular people they are only workers, but for Margie they are superheroes. "This unique friendship taught me a lot about my 4-year-old daughter. We can learn a lot from children when we pay attention. Love, compassion, acceptance and true friendship are just a few examples," commented Virginia.

We totally agree: do you?
