Her boyfriend left her because she was not pretty enough; today she is a model and got her "revenge"

by Mark Bennett

July 11, 2022

Her boyfriend left her because she was not pretty enough; today she is a model and got her "revenge"

Over time, you change and the change can be significant. So, it is not strange for one to find a classmate who has transformed significantly in the way they look after many years have passed. But beyond this, the message is that no one should ever judge a person solely by how they dress or how they look. Everyone has a different physique and unique physical characteristics, which can be attractive or not - but no one should have the right to judge a person on looks alone. Kim Decker, a young girl of German descent, was very disappointed when her boyfriend at the time left her because he said she was not pretty enough and that he could find a much more beautiful girl to be with. Since then, Kim's appearance has changed a lot - so much so that today, she has become a professional model. One could say that this is a pretty good "revenge" she got on her ex.

via TikTok / kim.decker

TikTok / kim.decker

TikTok / kim.decker

Kim Decker was a teenager who wore glasses and dressed as she felt like for a girl at that age. We all know that  when it comes to clothing, women typically change their atire very often: and this is also the beauty of life - you can change when you want to! Like so many other girls, she was thrilled with her romantic relationship - at least, until her boyfriend suddenly decided to leave her. The reason was apparently her appearance: she very abruptly and rudely told that she was not pretty. We can only imagine how Kim felt after hearing these cruel words from her boyfriend.



"I know I can find someone prettier, I'm sorry," the boy she was dating told her. These words must have stuck in Kim's mind and over time served as a way to spur her on to become the person she wanted to be. Additionally, it is well known that revenge is a dish best served cold, which is why Kim got her revenge many years later. The young woman got rid of her glasses and changed her way of dressing - and also worked on sculpting her body. Today Kim is reaping the rewards of her efforts and is very happy: she works as a model and has already signed two contracts with important agencies.

Her story went viral after she posted a video in which she showed some photos of herself from the past and also some more recent ones. All of these were accompanied by the caption: "So, you broke up with me because I'm not attractive enough?".


We don't know if her ex-boyfriend has seen the clip, but her story has certainly spread like wildfire on the internet and many users have applauded this kind of revenge engineered by the young woman.

You should never judge a book by its cover, don't you agree?
