This young man allowed his 89-year-old neighbor to move in with him so he could look after her

by Mark Bennett

July 17, 2022

This young man allowed his 89-year-old neighbor to move in with him so he could look after her

In life, there are times when we feel obliged to do the right thing, perhaps make a kindly gesture towards others, or make ourselves available to help others without expecting anything in return. These are examples of small or large gestures that anyone can take to change someone's life for the better. Whether it is someone we know or not, the important thing is to be able to do something meaningful and put a smile on someone's face.

This is similar to what a young man did for his elderly neighbor. In a very difficult moment for the woman, he allowed her to move to his house so that she would not be alone and to help her. Let's find out about this story.

via People

4 years ago you became my angel on the other side and there is not a day that goes by where I don’t feel you around....

Pubblicato da Chris Salvatore su Martedì 16 febbraio 2021

The young man is Chris Salvatore, and he is a young actor and model who took care of his elderly neighbor. In a complicated, difficult period of her life - due to serious health problems - Norma Cook had the chance to move into the man's apartment.

Norma and Chris had met some time before, when the young man had moved into the building next to the woman. Overwhelmed by problems and saddened after the ending of a romantic relationship, the young man had received support, understanding and a comfort from the old woman. So, as time went by, the two shared more and more moments together and their bond became very strong and deep.


Norma is in the hospital and she says to send cash not flowers 😜 She's doing well and should be home soon! #MyNeighborNorma

Pubblicato da Chris Salvatore su Sabato 10 ottobre 2015

Then, when the old woman began to suffer many health problems and the doctors told her that she should no longer be on her own, Chris decided it was time to return all the support she had shown him in the past. Since there were only two solutions- moving to a retirement home or staying at the hospital to receive all the care necessary 24 hours a day - the young man made a decision. He talked about his proposal with Norma and asked her if she wanted to come and live with him, so that he could look after her. And so it came to be.

The two former neighbors and now roommates spent unforgettable moments together. "We joked, laughed, drank champagne and ate peanuts," said Chris. "And this always in the company of Hermes, her trusted feline friend," he added amusingly.

My dear friend and neighbor Norma is in need of your good thoughts and prayers! She is in the hospital with breathing...

Pubblicato da Chris Salvatore su Mercoledì 19 ottobre 2016

This is a gesture of altruism and kindness that warms one's heart and lets us look at the world with hopeful eyes. We don't know for sure, but we can but hope that there are lots of people like Chris in the world who have big hearts and are willing to do anything within their abilities to make sure others are okay. Of course, he was unable to make the elderly woman's health problems disappear, but he tried to cheer her up when he could and to give her the closeness she needed from another human being.
