Woman gives birth at 58 and becomes a mother for the first time

by Mark Bennett

June 19, 2022

Woman gives birth at 58 and becomes a mother for the first time

Until almost thirty years ago, there were not many women who gave birth to children at the age of 40 - today it no longer seems to be such big news. To tell the truth, the age for having children has steadily risen and not by just a little - although doctors always advise women not to get pregnant at too advanced an age. The latest good news of a record-breaking pregnancy is that of a 58-year-old woman who gave birth to a beautiful and healthy baby girl at the "Perrino" hospital in Brindisi, Italy. As mentioned, it is not the first time that an aging woman has given birth, but 58 is a in the record-breaking area and is a fairly rare event - especially given that it was her first baby.

via Facebook / Corriere della Sera

Mamma per la prima volta a 58 anni di una bambina. È la storia di una donna originaria di Ostuni (Brindisi), che lunedì...

Pubblicato da Corriere della Sera su Mercoledì 8 giugno 2022

What happened in the obstetrics and gynecology department of the Brindisi hospital was real news, reported on by all the newspapers: a woman gave birth for the first time at the age of 58. The little baby girl, named Ilaria, is fine and weighs about 2.3 kg. A few days after giving birth, they will be able to go home and start their new adventures in life together. The head of the ward, Paolo Amoruso, says he is very satisfied with how things went: "The woman and the newborn are in good shape. And this is an even more unique event if we realize that it is a patient of 58 years old. And everything went really well. " The pregnancy, in fact, was brought to term in the best possible way. The head physician then added: "We are a second level ward, used to dealing with premature babies - this newborn is absolutely healthy and perfect in every way when compared to the norm".

Little Ilaria will soon start her new life with her mother and her father, who is 63 years old.

Pexels / Not the actual photo

Pexels / Not the actual photo

It is not the first time that such pregnancies have occurred - consider that just two years earlier an elderly woman (56 years old) gave birth to a baby at the same hospital.

Many people are very skeptical (and critical) of those who become parents at an advanced age; there is never a lack of criticism hurled at the new parents, accused of having given birth to a child "too late in life". Most users have lashed out against the alleged selfishness of these parents who seem more age-appropriate being a "grandfather and grandmother" age than a "mom and dad". But who are we to judge such situations? Why forbid someone from having a family and raising a daughter or son in a loving environment - just like any other couple would do?

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