This mother admits that her family no longer uses toilet paper: "we had to save" (+ VIDEO)

by Mark Bennett

June 01, 2022

This mother admits that her family no longer uses toilet paper: "we had to save" (+ VIDEO)

Raising a family, managing it and not having yourself and your children lack for anything, is a great daily challenge. Every parent has to deal with the various chores and duties around the home, and this means not only taking into consideration everyone's needs, but to make sure that the finances are sound. If something goes wrong and there are unforeseen expenses, then, a solution must be sought for and found. Sometimes, we need to cut some spending and ensure that there are no unnecessary expenses.

The subject of this story, in a situation like this, has come up with a unique way to save a few pennies. Let's find out what she did together.

via The Sun

Youtube/ The Fairly Local Family

Youtube/ The Fairly Local Family

Amber Allen is a young mother of 3 who, together with her husband Joseph, have recently made a decision: they no longer use toilet paper. We are not kidding, and the video she posted on Youtube is proof of this.

The woman explained the reasons for this choice: "We have not used toilet paper in the bathroom for three years. The choice arose for several reasons. Firstly: we had a debt of $ 70,000 and we absolutely had to save. I started shopping less often, eating more frugally - but still in a healthy way - and then I had an epiphany. Buying toilet paper is like literally throwing our money down the toilet. I shared my thoughts with my husband, Joseph, and we decided it was better not to buy loo rolls anymore and rather use old rags".



And the family actually did this. In the video, Amber shows a basket full of bits of cloth which they use several times before throwing them away. Obviously, between one use and another, they are always washed and sterilized. Where do they get the rags from? At first they thought about buying them, but that would have been an equally high expense, so they recycled old clothes and cut them up into useable rags.

Youtube/ The Fairly Local Family

Youtube/ The Fairly Local Family

Amber states in the video: "Since our habits have changed, the savings have been considerable. Over 3 years, we have saved between $1,200 and $2,100 dollars. I must admit, however, that we still buy a few rolls of toilet paper for guests. We had also thought about promoting a 'bring your own TP to our house' amongst our friends, but, on reflection, that seemed somewhat rude to us."

The use of rags as toilet paper is not always comfortable and washing them every time is a burden, but they did not give up and will continue to do so for some time to come.

What do you think of this alternative to using classic toilet paper? Would you be willing to give it a try and make some significant savings?
