Woman lives with 50 rats in the house: "they are very sociable and bathe in the kitchen sink" (+ VIDEO)

by Mark Bennett

May 20, 2022

Woman lives with 50 rats in the house: "they are very sociable and bathe in the kitchen sink" (+ VIDEO)

If asked to choose a pet, which one would you be most inclined to select? Perhaps most of us would like a dog, a cat, a goldfish or maybe a rabbit or hamster - these pets are very much in vogue lately - simple and traditional choices. And perhaps this was the reason that prompted the subject of our story to turn select a rather atypical, unorthodox type of pet, so to speak. Do you want to know what she chose to feel less alone once she retires? Rats.

Yes, you read that correctly. Not the hamsters we sometimes hear about, but the small rodents themselves. And not one or two or even three, but 50. Let's see how this came about:

via Mirror

I mean, how can you think rats aren't adorable?

Pubblicato da Michele Tinoyan su Lunedì 10 gennaio 2022

The subject of this story is Michele Raybon, 51 from Palmdale, California. Michele got her first house rat in 2018 from a Texas breeder. The woman immediately became very fond of the pets and she considers them very friendly and sociable and they know how to keep her company.

A great lover of animals in general, she initially had only a few rats . Then, when she moved to California, and couldn't find a rat breeder, she decided to become one. In the early days, she sold a few to rat lovers, but when she stopped selling them, all of her rat farm became her pets.


Rat attack

Pubblicato da Michele Tinoyan su Martedì 7 dicembre 2021

"I love animals deeply. When I grew up I wanted to be a veterinarian, but that didn't happen," she said. She continued: "I also have four dogs, three cats and two pigs who live in a pen of their own. My love for rats is not an obsession - it is rather what I would call a passion. They are very sociable and they all have very different characters. They are my little "children". They are simply wonderful ".

The woman has become world famous on the internet since she posted a video in which she showed all of her house rats bathing in the sink in her kitchen: 25 males and 25 females engaged in having a very relaxing bath. This was certainly a scene that some of her friends find somewhat disturbing. She herself says that not all the people who visit her appreciate the presence of these creatures. Others, on the other hand, she says, one should consider them in just the same way as one does with other animals.

Its national rat day!!

Pubblicato da Michele Tinoyan su Sabato 3 aprile 2021

"Unfortunately there is a great prejudice towards rats." Michele continued: "Many are convinced that they are dirty animals and carriers of diseases, but this is not the case. Most people tend to stay away from rats and look upon them as a threat, but for me they definitely aren't. " This woman is more than proud of her choice of pet and she would never give up on her little rodents.

Y la gente pagando por mascotas caras 😂. Una mujer que se define a sí misma como una fanática extrema de los roedores se hizo viral en redes sociales después de subir un video bañando a sus 50 “bebés” en el fregadero de su cocina. Los animales a los que Michele Raybon tiernamente llama “bebés” son ratas que ha ido coleccionando desde que tuvo su primer grupo en 2018. Ahora tiene cinco docenas de “acogedoras” mascotas que chapotean en su cocina cuando es la hora del baño. La amante de las ratas trata a todos sus sus amigos peludos por igual, considerándolos su familia a pesar de que algunos de ellos, 25 machos y 25 hembras, no son tan amigables como otros.

Pubblicato da Danny Cruz su Giovedì 14 aprile 2022

Certainly this choice of pet is a curious and unusual one that Michele has made, but has gone on to inspire many other people to adopt rats as pets. What do you think about this sotry? Would you ever make a choice like Michele's?
