Grandma refuses to babysit her granddaughter: "I'm tired and just want to rest"

by Mark Bennett

April 28, 2022

Grandma refuses to babysit her granddaughter: "I'm tired and just want to rest"

When a couple decides to have a child, they may need help from time to time. If you have the ability to choose, you can opt for hiring a babysitter, but when a salary is not sufficient to do everything you would like or if you prefer some family member to take care of the baby, then another solution needs to be found. And which solution is typically the most immediate and, if you like, obvious? One's grandparents. That's right - grandparents are the ones who often take the place of the child's parents while they are at work.

But what if a grandfather or grandmother refuses to do this? It could be a problem and the choice to refuse is open to criticism. And this is just what happened to the grandmother who is the subject of this story. Read on to find out what happened:

via Reddit

Pxhere - Not the actual photo

Pxhere - Not the actual photo

In a post published on Reddit, a 50-year-old woman bares her soul and asks users for advice with her problem. The situation is simple: her daughter expects her to babysit her granddaughter, but she is tired and refuses to do this.

Reddit poster, @BirthingPerson stated: "My daughter is a single mom and she needs to work - even on weekends to be able to support her family. Obviously, she expects me to take care of her baby, but I'm tired and I don't have the energy to do it. I also work all week and the weekend is the only time I am able to rest. I just want to enjoy some quiet time and be with my dogs. "

The woman admitted that she no longer felt able to look after children. After having raised four children, she no longer wants to have to take care of another child full time, but her daughter disagrees and she wants her to help her out. Other family members and relatives have criticized this grandmother's refusal, instilling in her a strong sense of guilt. And this is why she decided to share her thoughts on Reddit about her behavior and ask for advice.

Pixabay - Not the actual photo

Pixabay - Not the actual photo

"No one else feels capable of doing it and the responsibility inevitably falls on me, but I'm tired." Many have responded to her request for advice and most agree with her. "It is your daughter's responsibility to take care of the baby, not yours. You have already been a mother to your own children and you don't need to feel obligated now," comments one user. Others also joined in, telling her that she should only do it if she feels able to and not because she is forced by her daughter or by other relatives who are ready to critize her without offering their help.

What do you think? Is it normal that grandparents should always be available to take care of their grandchildren or is it right that they don't neglect themselves and decide to spend their free time indulging themselves and their needs?

After all, children are primarily the responsibility of the parent. In whatever situation they find themselves, mum and dad have to take care of their child without expecting others to take their place. And if the grandparents can, and feel capable of doing it, that's fine, but it is always better not to force anyone to do so.
