"Give me back all the money I spent on you": father asks for compensation from his adult daughter

by Mark Bennett

May 04, 2022

"Give me back all the money I spent on you": father asks for compensation from his adult daughter

What does it mean to be a parent? This is perhaps one of the most difficult questions to given an answer to. Being parents means, above all, being available and ready to satisfy every legitimate need of one’s children and thereby, giving them a hand to grow up and become well-rounded adults. Obviously, the help is not only of an emotional nature, but includes financial support.

What if this kind of emotional and financial availability on the part of a mom and a dad wasn't so clear-cut and automatic? Read on to find out what we mean by this question:

via metalvito/Reddit

Pixabay - Not the actual photo

Pixabay - Not the actual photo

Some time ago user @metalvito posted his story on Reddit to ask for advice about his situation.

The man said: "My daughter Aria left home when she was 15. Her mother and I separated and she chose not to live with me anymore. I never protested, but I wanted her to continue behaving properly and also to respect my rules. My ex has always been more permissive than me and I have never agreed with her approach. But Aria has and has always preferred to live with her.” The man continued: “In recent years, we have often spoken to each other through lawyers and I was asked to take care of my daughter's financial needs. But since she turned 18, I've been writing down every expense I have incurred for her and have regularly been sending the file to my ex-wife to let her know how much I have been spending on Aria."

Pxhere - Not the actual photo

Pxhere - Not the actual photo

This father's goal is to get compensation from his daughter, one way or another. Paying more child support and half of her college tuition after she's come of age, doesn't seem fair to him. The girl's debt to her father appears to be very high at this point and will also be difficult to her pay off in the future.

After years of silence, Aria has tried to reconnect with her father and bond with him, but the man doesn't want any part of it: "I told her we can't fix the relationship emotionally if we don't fix the relationship’s financial problems first. She has shown that she doesn't care about the money, and she doesn’t care about me either." Sandra, his ex-wife, does not agree at all with his behavior and with his demands, but he is not willing to give in, even if he does have some lingering doubts.

Reddit users have had very critical towards the man and have not agreed with his approach.

What do you think of this story? Do you agree with this dad or would you never, in a million years, think of asking for financial compensation from one of your children?
