Born at just 22 weeks old, they became the UK's "most premature twins"

by Mark Bennett

April 01, 2022

Born at just 22 weeks old, they became the UK's "most premature twins"

The greatest desire of almost all couples is to have a child. For two people who love each other, it could be the crowning glory of their relationship. Bringing one or more little infants into the world, for those who want it, is a wonderful thing and a dream that most times becomes reality. Unfortunately, having a baby isn't always easy.

On a path to parenthood, problems may arise and some couples may find themselves facing great obstacles. And this is one thing that, for example, happened to Steve and Jade. We tell you their story here.

via Instagram / twins22weeks

Together for 14 years, Steve and Jade Crane have always wanted to have children. For some time they tried to do this naturally, but unfortunately it didn't go well and they had to opt for another route. Thus, they embarked on a long and exhausting attempt at in vitro fertilization.

For ages, the couple subjected themselves to the demands of in vitro procedures, and after 11 years, Jane was finally informed that she was pregnant. However, the couple's problems were still around the corner. In fact, the woman had her twins only 22 weeks after conception. This premature birth shocked everyone, including the health staff. Nurses and doctors at Queens Medical Hospital in Nottingham were convinced the infants would not make it and told the two new parents several times that it would be difficult for their little ones to get through this difficult time.

Harley and Harry Crane, the names of the twins, were two helpless and weak little infants, but their mom and dad always believed in their ability to pull through. And they did well to keep the faith...

After a few months, in fact, the couple had the opportunity to take the two children home, after they were declared as out of danger. The "most premature twins in the UK", as they were nicknamed, steadily got better and stronger and after 5 months spent under observation in the hospital, they were able to leave with their mum and dad.


This was a very special and astonishing case, as Jade herself stated: "They will be talked about in the history of medicine, I'm sure. Maybe the wards will take their name because they are unique in their kind and all the staff were amazed. After their birth, I did some research on the internet to understand if there had ever been cases of premature births like that of my children. It had happened at least once in America. I immediately contacted the mother of those twins and I asked for help. She didn't hesitate - she supported me and guided me for the first few months, " said Jade.

Dad Steve also wanted to make a statement: "I want to thank all the staff of the hospital. They welcomed us and cared for us in an amazing way. Thanks to everyone, from the first to the last person we met. They contributed to the realization of a dream and, although at the beginning they were sure that it would be difficult for the children to survive, they did not give up and now our little ones are back home with us. It was hard for us to say farewell those special people but, in all honesty, I hope I will never see them again. Luckily Harley and Harry are doing great, they are doing well and it is a really exciting thing to see them grow up healthy and strong, " said Steve.

Instagram / twins22weeks

Instagram / twins22weeks

This is a story that has left everyone speechless. The courage and tenacity on the part of a young couple should serve as an example for all those who, despite facing many difficulties, have the overwhelming desire to become parents.

And finally, to Harley and Harry go our best wishes for a beautiful and happy life. Good luck, little ones!
