Woman invites a homeless man to dinner and falls in love with him: today they have 2 children and are about to get married

by Mark Bennett

April 03, 2022

Woman invites a homeless man to dinner and falls in love with him: today they have 2 children and are about to get married

Love arrives when you least expect it and this is perhaps what Jasmine Grogan felt when she realized that Macauley Murchie was the man of her life. It was a fortuitous meeting that, initially, did not give any indication or clues of everything that would happen between Jasmine and Macayley. He was begging at the exit of a supermarket, but he refused to accept Jasmine's money even though he had helped her load her groceries into the car. Unwilling to accept money, Jasmine decided to invite him to dinner - an invitation he certainly didn’t turn down. Neither of them knew that their paths would cross again ... or perhaps they did!

TikTok / jasminegrogan1

TikTok / jasminegrogan1

It's not every day that one does a good deed like Jasmine did. She invited a homeless, young man to dinner to repay him for his kindness (he helped her with her groceries) and, in a way, to help him get back on his feet. That evening, Jasmine had dinner with Macauley, who, although he accepted the invitation, felt a little uncomfortable in the new, unfamiliar surroundings. During the occasion, the two got to know each other a lot better, talking about their lives, and found that they got along very well. Jasmine couldn't let her new friend sleep on the street again, so she decided to pay for a hotel room for him where he could finally sleep on a real bed and with a roof over his head. Also, the girl bought him a cell phone so he could keep in touch.

TikTok / jasminegrogan1

TikTok / jasminegrogan1

Jasmine couldn't get this guy she had just met (and had done so much for) out of her mind. Unable to restrain herself, she decided to follow her heart and to arrange to see him again. She took the opportunity to bring him some new clothes and to invite him to her house again. The two spent another pleasant evening together and both eventually realized that something special was being born between them.

“He ended up staying much longer than a night - we instantly fell in love with each other. I knew he was the one for me, he was so nice,” commented Jasmine on her TikTok account.

TikTok / jasminegrogan1

TikTok / jasminegrogan1

Since that day, their friendship has turned into something a lot more serious and now, after a few years, the two are about to get married. Yes, that's right – they are getting married!

Macauley got himself together and got a job; he shaved off his long beard, and decided to get back on track after finding love in his life. “Now we have 2 children, we are still together and we are very happy. Macauley is the best dad in the world and also the most amazing boyfriend I could wish for. He asked me to marry him and of course I said yes, "Jasmine said.

TikTok / jasminegrogan1

TikTok / jasminegrogan1

Because a good deed, which anyone could have done, Jasmine forever changed her destiny and that of another person, to whom she is forever bound. People like Jasmine believe that everything happens for a reason and that her life was destined to be with Macauley: "Now I can't imagine myself without him."

A beautiful love story, and one that almost always only happens in the movies!
