Dog warns his family the house is on fire

by Mark Bennett

February 16, 2022

Dog warns his family the house is on fire

There are dogs that are ignored all their lives and that, unfortunately, end up in a kennel (or worse). Fortunately, there are many who are incredibly lucky to end up in a loving family and who manage to prove their worth. Gracie was a little dog that no one had ever given too much importance or attention to, but she immediately proved herself as soon as she realized that her family - who had adopted and saved her from the streets - were in danger. On the morning of December 22, 2021, Gracie began barking furiously in an attempt to warn the family. The house had caught fire and everyone was still in their beds, and sleeping soundly. If it weren't for Gracie's warning, this story would have taken a very different turn and this family certainly wouldn't have spent Christmas together.

via GoFund Me

A dog in the family not only enriches the lives of all the family members, but can even save their lives. Gracie was a true hero for warning her family that their home was on fire. The dog, who usually slept in the master bedroom, had been out that night and started barking like a mad thing around five in the morning as soon as she sensed the danger. The Haegeman family were asleep at that hour, of course. Devin Haegeman woke up with a start, to the barking and the screams of his eldest daughter (Emily, 9), who also being overcome by smoke. Initially, Devin was not sure what was going on - it was like the house was on fire or something. Unfortunately, Devin's feeling soon proved more than imaginary: the house literally was on fire!


Gracie had also woken the other children with her nonstop barking, and Devin and his wife, fortunately, managed to get everyone evacuated before it was too late. In addition to Emily, Maddox (4 years), Daniel (2 years) and Marcella (4 months) were rescued. The  house, however, did not fair quite as well as the family: the family lost virtually all their belongings in the fire. Fortunately, however, they all managed to escape to safety. Immediately after the accident, however, Devin realized that Grazie, the dog, had disappeared. The dog had gone to take refuge, terrified, under a bed, unable to move. Devin ran back inside to get his heroic dog out and it didn't really matter that he suffered from a bit of carbon monoxide poisoning afterwards.

Devin admitted he had never cried so much in his life with relief, but wrote that he is just grateful to be safe and sound with his family.

Friends and relatives have started a fundraising page to make sure the Haegemans recover from this terrible experience in a dignified way, and within a few days, they have already raised around $ 24,000.

Pexels / Not the actual photo

Pexels / Not the actual photo

What can we say? The intervention of the dog was so lucky and without her, probably, the Haegemans would not have been able to spend a Christmas all together.

The love of our dogs for us is truly unparalleled - we should do more for them!
