Abandoned baby girl found alongside puppies: they kept her warm throught the cold night

by Mark Bennett

December 24, 2021

Abandoned baby girl found alongside puppies: they kept her warm throught the cold night

In their hearts, every parent wants the best for their children, but not everyone can achieve this. For many reasons, there are people who do not feel ready to raise a child, and who choose an to alternative solution - such as giving the child up for adoption. Then there even more desperate cases, where the only solution considered viable is to abandon the baby in the street. And even if it is normal for us to judge a mother who abandons her child harshly, we should not be too hasty to draw conclusions and lay blame. The reasons behind taking such a drastic action could be many and compelling. But we always hope that the mother or father will not put the newborn's life at risk and that, at the very least, they will leave the infant at a hospital.

The newly-born subject of this story was abandoned in the cold and frost - without any kind of protection - but, incredibly, was saved by the warmth given to her by a mother dog and her puppies.

via Facebook / Jeev Aashraya

Facebook / Jeev Aashraya

Facebook / Jeev Aashraya

In Mugeli, India, an abandoned baby girl was found by some people, surrounded by puppy dogs and their mother. These wonderful animals miraculously managed to keep the infant warm, protecting her throughout the night. Everyone was amazed that the dog had managed to keep her alive and had even nursed the infant girl. It goes without saying that the little baby was at serious risk, but the care of the dogs really do seem to have saved her life. When the villagers found her the next morning, the little girl didn't even have a scratch on her! Some may be surprised, but the truth is that dogs often show much more "humanity" than even some people do at times.

Canine maternal instincts are truly incredible!

Facebook / Jeev Aashraya

Facebook / Jeev Aashraya

The little baby girl was taken to a nearby hospital for a full health and welfare checkup.

In reporting this news, we cannot help but think about the nature of dogs and their magical bond with humans. Dogs are often so much better than humans in being able to tell the difference between innocence and cruelty.
